@aire-ux/aire-wizard - npm

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@aire-ux/aire-wizard
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Aire-wizard is a full-featured wizard component for Vaadin flow


  1. Clone the repo: git clone [email protected]:aire-ux/aire-wizard
  2. Prepare package for development: gradle prepareDevelop. This runs:
    • npm link (links the local package to @aire-ux/aire-wizard)
    • npm link @aire-ux/aire-wizard@<version> where version is specified in package.json


The Aire Wizard supports:

  1. Arbitrarily-complex wizard topologies
  2. Auto-generation of controls
  3. Horizontal and vertical step layout
  4. Localization
  5. Browser history integration
  6. validation
  7. model-passing
  8. steps-per-icon

Simple Usage

public class SimpleWizard extends VerticalLayout {

  public SimpleWizard() {
    wizard = new Wizard<>();
    wizard.addSteps(Page1.class, Page2.class);
    wizard.addTransition(Page1.class, Page2.class);

@WizardPage(key = "page-1", title = "hello")
public class Page1 extends AbstractWizardPage<String, Object> {

@WizardPage(key = "page-2", title="hello")
public class Page2 extends AbstractWizardPage<String, Object> {



Simple, empty wizard

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