Twitter Shares Insights into Music Engagement Trends in the App [Infographic]

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/Twitter-Music-Engagement-Trends-Infographic/633743/
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Twitter Shares Insights into Music Engagement Trends in the App [Infographic]

Published Oct. 10, 2022

Andrew Hutchinson Content and Social Media Manager

Music is a key cultural driver, and as such, it can also be a prominent vehicle for trends, memes, communities and other engagement.

Which means that it should also be on the radar of marketers looking for new opportunities to expand their reach on social platforms - and Twitter is a key medium for tapping into trending music discussion.

As per Twitter:

“Staying on top of the most popular genres and calendar moments can help you reach some of the most influential audiences on Twitter. As new music drops every week and huge cultural events dot the calendar throughout the year, there’s always a major music trend on deck.”

It could be worth keeping in touch with the latest music trends, and considering any brand-relevant, fun angles to help add a more topical slant to your promotions.

Check out the below music engagement stats from Twitter for more context.

Music on Twitter

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