Moving files in ZSH - The wonderful world of zmv

 1 year ago
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Moving files in ZSH - The wonderful world of zmv

Posted on November 12, 2019
Latest Update: September 04, 2020

From time to time I find myself trying to move a batch of files that have a similar pattern in their names but doesn't quite match an easy to write glob pattern. In the past, I used to write quick and dirty scripts — usually in shell script, nothing fancy — to make it easier to move these files around. A few months ago I discovered zmv, a zsh function that is much better than plain old mv to move files around. Since an example is worth a thousand blog posts, let's jump right into it.

I mean, almost. Before we start, make sure you have zmv loaded in your shell — it's not loaded by default:

which zmv
zmv not found
autoload -Uz zmv
which zmv
zmv () {
        # undefined
        builtin autoload -X

Don't be scared by the undefined. This is normal when dealing with zsh autoload functions. We can now move on.

Changing file extensions

For the first example, let's start with something really simple. Say you're upgrading and old codebase and you want to change all .js files to .ts files. Let's assume the structure is similar to the structure below:

tree my-awesome-library/
└── src
    ├── index.js
    ├── library
    │   ├── helpers.js
    │   └── utils.js
    ├── parser.js
    └── vendor
        └── third-party-lib.js

To move everything to have a .ts extension using only mv… is not possible. Of course, you can use a loop with parameters expansions and replacement:

for file in **/*.js; do mv $file ${file/.js/.ts}; done;
src/index.js -> src/index.ts
src/library/helpers.js -> src/library/helpers.ts
src/library/utils.js -> src/library/utils.ts
src/parser.js -> src/parser.ts
src/vendor/third-party-lib.js -> src/vendor/third-party-lib.ts

But, first of all, that's not very intuitive and, if you are like me and you want to know what is actually going to happen before you run the command, you always loop using an echo or a print statement and then you have to either retype the whole thing or edit text directly in the CLI (which is not the most pleasant thing to do).

Let's see how we can tackle this with zmv:

zmv -n -W '**/*.js' '**/*.ts'
mv -- src/library/helpers.js src/library/helpers.ts
mv -- src/library/utils.js src/library/utils.ts
mv -- src/vendor/third-party-lib.js src/vendor/third-party-lib.ts
mv -- src/index.js src/index.ts
mv -- src/parser.js src/parser.ts

I'll explain what's happening above, but first, let's quickly compare this with the loop we used before:

zmv -n -W '**/*.js' '**/*.ts' # 29 chars
for file in **/*.js; do mv $file ${file/.js/.ts}; done; # 56 chars

Besides saving ~51% of your typing time, which one is easier to understand (or even guess) what it will actually do with your files?

Let's understand what's going on with zmv on the command above:

zmv -n -W '**/*.js' '**/*.ts'
# zmv: the zmv command itself
# -n: The famous 'dry-run', so you can see the result before renaming your files
# -W: Since our pattern is very simple, we use this flag so we don't need to do grouping manually
# '**/*.js': The first pattern. Basically means 'match all files that end in .js'
# '**/*.ts': The second pattern (the replacement). It means 'keep everything the same, but change the end to .ts'

After you ran the command above and are sure that the output is what you desire, just remove the -n flag and zmv will do the heavy lifting for you (I've added the -v flag just so the operations would be output, but you can leave it out):

zmv -v -W '**/*.js' '**/*.ts'
mv -- src/library/helpers.js src/library/helpers.ts
mv -- src/library/utils.js src/library/utils.ts
mv -- src/vendor/third-party-lib.js src/vendor/third-party-lib.ts
mv -- src/index.js src/index.ts
mv -- src/parser.js src/parser.ts

So, easy as that we just rename all .js files to .ts and we didn't need to care about folder structure or anything like that. This is a simple pattern, but zmv is very powerful and we gonna take a look at a slightly more complex transformation.

Patterns and groups in zmv

First of all, let me get this out of the way: zmv does not operate using regular expressions, but it uses glob operators to match the files. It's the same pattern you are used to use in the CLI environment but, unfortunately, we can't do things like [0-9]{4} to match any sequence of 4 numbers. We actually need to repeat the pattern four times — i.e. [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] - to get the same result.

First, let's repeat the example above using group matches:

zmv -n '(**/)(*).js' '$1$2.ts'
mv -- src/library/helpers.js src/library/helpers.ts
mv -- src/library/utils.js src/library/utils.ts
mv -- src/vendor/third-party-lib.js src/vendor/third-party-lib.ts
mv -- src/index.js src/index.ts
mv -- src/parser.js src/parser.ts

Let's breakdown the pattern above (I will skip zmv -n, you already know what that means):


First thing to notice in the pattern above is that it's surrounded by single quotes. This is important to ensure that zsh itself won't try to transform this in a glob.

Secondly, notice that the slash is actually inside the first group (everything inside the first parentheses). This is to ensure that zmv will respect the current folder structure we have.

After that, we have the second group. This will be used as the file name. In the pattern above, the filename is everything after the last / and before the .js. The file extension is not inside a group because we won't use it, so there's no need to capture it.

So, let's take, for example, the file src/library/utils.js. When the expression above finds this path, the results are like this:

group 1: src/library/
group 2: utils

I think you can pretty much guess what happens in the second pattern, but let's go over it real quick.


As you can see, we simply join the two captured groups (so, in the example above, src/library/ and utils) and append the .ts extension to it. Note that we don't add a / between $1 and $2: The / is already inside the first group.

Of course it's much easier to use the -W flag like we did above, but it is important to understand how zmv captures and treats groups, so you can leverage all it's power.

Ignoring a folder

Let's continue with the *.js → *.ts example. Let's say you want to rename everyting on the project folder, but you need to ignore the node_modules folder. Since zmv uses glob patterns to match the files it will act on, we can write a glob pattern that will ignore the node_modules folder:

zmv -n '(^node_modules)/(**/)(*).js' '$1/$2$3.ts'

The patterns above is very similar to what we already saw, with the difference that we're ignoring the node_modules folder. Also, you may have noticed that we now have 3 groups instead of 2. This is because of how zmv matches the patterns. We need to group (^node_modules) because this will match, for example src in src/file.js. The (**/) will match any number of subfolders and the last (*) will match the filename. There's a small caveat, though. Since we're using (^node_modules) as the first pattern, any file on the root folder will be ignored. I haven't found a way to include these files using ZMV, but feel free to send me a suggestion on how to do it and I'll update the post!

Moving files around

Let's try another example. Imagine the following (very simple) file structure:

├── 1
│   └── 19145-22371.jpg
├── 10
│   ├── 19237-9575.jpg
│   └── 3095-21999.png
├── 11
├── 12
│   ├── 19505-18756.jpg
│   └── 8176-27131.png
├── 13
│   ├── 13170-2864.jpg
│   └── 3374-20305.png
├── 14
│   ├── 14108-5664.jpg
│   └── 25497-32117.png
├── 15
│   ├── 6132-16722.png
│   └── 9028-25007.jpg
├── 16
│   └── 24292-20353.jpg
├── 17
│   ├── 10573-7908.jpg
│   └── 20989-20414.png
├── 18
│   └── 24239-15240.png
├── 19
│   └── 30373-27103.png
├── 20
│   └── 31897-18687.jpg
├── 4
│   └── 11363-15067.png
├── 5
│   └── 29448-13817.jpg
└── 8
    └── 25617-17253.png

15 directories, 20 files

It's a simple tree with some folders with one picture whose name is composed of two random numbers separated by a dash and that can be either a .jpg or .png and a folder with two pictures, one for each of those extensions. What we want to achieve is move all the pictures outside these folders and name them in the following fashion: picture-pictureNumber2-folderNumber-pictureNumber1.extension. Nothing too difficult, but it will give us a good understanding of how the groups work. To achieve that, we'll use the following command:

zmv -n '(*)/(*)-(*).(jpg|png)' 'picture-$2-$3-$1.$4'

This expression is very straightforward, but let's see how it works: The first group captures the folder name. The second group captures the first random number from the picture name, the third group captures the second one and the last group captures the file extension. As you can see, I've used (jpg|png) instead of an asterisk, so if there's a files with another extension (or no extension), it wouldn't be affected by zmv


The replacement expression is very straightforward. I simply use the group numbers to format the file with the names I want them to have. I can even reorder the groups and give a filename completely new piece, like I did with the picture at the beginning of the expression. Running the command will give us the expected result:

zmv -n '(*)/(*)-(*).(jpg|png)' 'picture-$2-$3-$1.$4'
mv -- 1/19145-22371.jpg picture-19145-22371-1.jpg
mv -- 10/19237-9575.jpg picture-19237-9575-10.jpg
mv -- 10/3095-21999.png picture-3095-21999-10.png
mv -- 12/19505-18756.jpg picture-19505-18756-12.jpg
mv -- 12/8176-27131.png picture-8176-27131-12.png
mv -- 13/13170-2864.jpg picture-13170-2864-13.jpg
mv -- 13/3374-20305.png picture-3374-20305-13.png
mv -- 14/14108-5664.jpg picture-14108-5664-14.jpg
mv -- 14/25497-32117.png picture-25497-32117-14.png
mv -- 15/6132-16722.png picture-6132-16722-15.png
mv -- 15/9028-25007.jpg picture-9028-25007-15.jpg
mv -- 16/24292-20353.jpg picture-24292-20353-16.jpg
mv -- 17/10573-7908.jpg picture-10573-7908-17.jpg
mv -- 17/20989-20414.png picture-20989-20414-17.png
mv -- 18/24239-15240.png picture-24239-15240-18.png
mv -- 19/30373-27103.png picture-30373-27103-19.png
mv -- 20/31897-18687.jpg picture-31897-18687-20.jpg
mv -- 4/11363-15067.png picture-11363-15067-4.png
mv -- 5/29448-13817.jpg picture-29448-13817-5.jpg
mv -- 8/25617-17253.png picture-25617-17253-8.png

If you pay attention, every picture was moved outside their folder and now follows the naming pattern we specified previously. This is great to reorganize not-so-simple file trees (e.g. when refactoring code or sorting the pictures from that trip to Paris)

So, that's the basics of zmv. If you have any questions or just want to chat, just say hello; I hope you enjoyed and learned something new!

About Joyk

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Joyk means Joy of geeK