Facebook warns 1 million users about stolen usernames, passwords

 1 year ago
source link: https://macdailynews.com/2022/10/07/facebook-warns-1-million-users-about-stolen-usernames-passwords/
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Facebook warns 1 million users about stolen usernames, passwords

Friday, October 7, 2022 9:01 am2 Comments

Facebook-parent Meta Platforms on Friday said it would notify roughly 1 million Facebook users that their account credentials may have been compromised due to security issues with apps downloaded from Alphabet Inc.’s Google and Apple’s app stores.

Facebook rebrands itself 'Meta'

Jack Gillum for Bloomberg News:

The company announced Friday that it identified more than 400 malicious Android and iOS apps this year that target internet users in order to steal their login information. Meta said it informed both Apple and Google about the issue in order to facilitate removal of the apps.

The apps worked by disguising themselves as photo editors, mobile games or health trackers, Facebook said.

Apple said 45 of the 400 problematic apps were on its App Store and have been removed. Google removed all [355 of] the malicious apps in question, a spokesperson said.

MacDailyNews Take: While Apple should never have approved these 45 apps for inclusion in the App Store in the first place, the yawning discrepancy between Apple’s Apple Store and Alphabet’s Google Play store speaks volumes.

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