GitOps Certified for Argo II

 1 year ago
source link: https://sbulav.github.io/certifications/gitops-at-scale/
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GitOps Certified for Argo II

less than 1 minute read

I’ve passed the course GitOps at Scale and follow up exam:

Screenshot 2022-10-04 at 16 39 04

This is a second course on ArgoCD. It has short and precise materials, useful pieces of advice on deploying and managing ArgoCD. The team did a great job on this course!

During this course you’ll learn:

  • How to manage external clusters with ArgoCD
  • How to use the app-of-apps pattern to group similar applications
  • How to use ApplicationSets to automatically generate applications
  • How to organize your GitOps repositories
  • How to promote releases between environments
  • How to use Argo Image Updater
  • How to customize the diff process in ArgoCD
  • How to use sync hooks and waves for resource ordering
  • How to use sync windows to disable/enable deployment periods
  • How to employ ArgoCD notifications

The course itself is pretty long and gives you the ability to test everything in practice.

The final test has 50 questions with a passing score of 85%.

I highly recommend this course to anyone interested in GitOps/ArgoCD.

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Joyk means Joy of geeK