GitHub - pichillilorenzo/mlab-speed-test: Test your download and upload speed us...

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MLab Speed Test

Test your download and upload speed using speed.measurementlab.net

Getting started

To get started with this library, you need to install it and add it to your project.


# npm
npm install mlab-speed-test --save

# yarn
yarn add mlab-speed-test

Library Usage

API Reference available at https://pichillilorenzo.github.io/mlab-speed-test/.

import {MLabSpeedTest} from 'mlab-speed-test';
// or
const {MLabSpeedTest} = require('mlab-speed-test');

const speedTest = new MLabSpeedTest();
speedTest.on('server-chosen', (serverInfo) => {
speedTest.on('download-complete', downloadData => {
   const downloadSpeed = downloadData.LastClientMeasurement ? downloadData.LastClientMeasurement.MeanClientMbps.toFixed(2) : '0';
   console.log(downloadSpeed + 'Mb/s');
speedTest.on('upload-complete', uploadData => {
   const uploadSpeed = uploadData.LastServerMeasurement ?
           (uploadData.LastServerMeasurement.TCPInfo.BytesReceived / uploadData.LastServerMeasurement.TCPInfo.ElapsedTime * 8).toFixed(2) : '0';
   console.log(uploadSpeed + 'Mb/s');
const exitCode = await speedTest.run();

CLI Usage

Usage: mlab-speed-test [options]

  mlab-speed-test -a -p
  mlab-speed-test -a -p --json

  -p, --accept-privacy-policy  Accept M-Lab's Privacy Policy (https://www.measurementlab.net/privacy/) (default: false)
  -a, --autostart              Run speed test on command start. Requires --accept-privacy-policy (default: false)
  --json                       Output data in json format (default: false)
  --pretty                     If json should be pretty formatted (default: false)
  -h, --help                   display help for command

CLI Usage Example

Example 1

mlab-speed-test -a -p

Example output:

    M-Lab's Speed Test

    ⊠ Privacy Policy ( https://www.measurementlab.net/privacy/ )

    Test Server: 🖥  Milan, IT
  ⠸ 65.98 Mb/s ↓ / 17.04 Mb/s ↑
    Latency: 26 ms
    Loss: 1.81%

    Restart (enter) - Stop (delete)
    Decline Privacy Policy (a) - Quit (ctrl + q)

Example 2

mlab-speed-test -ap --json --pretty

Example output:

   "privacyPolicyAccepted": true,
   "running": true,
   "isDone": false,
   "downloadSpeed": "64.80",
   "downloadUnit": "Mb/s",
   "downloadCompleted": true,
   "downloadProgress": 1,
   "uploadSpeed": "16.97",
   "uploadUnit": "Mb/s",
   "uploadCompleted": false,
   "uploadProgress": 0.6515323619008064,
   "latencyUnit": "ms",
   "lossUnit": "%",
   "location": {
      "city": "Milan",
      "country": "IT"
   "latency": "51",
   "loss": "6.57"


Any contribution is appreciated. You can get started with the steps below:

  1. Fork this repository (learn how to do this here).

  2. Clone the forked repository.

  3. Make your changes and create a pull request (learn how to do this) .

  4. I will attend to your pull request and provide some feedback.


This repository is licensed under the ISC License.

This project is strongly inspired by the fast-cli package.

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