‘Nintendo Switch Online’ App Updated With Splatoon 3 Widget Support To See Map R...

 1 year ago
source link: https://machash.com/touch-arcade/338717/nintendo-switch-online-app-updated-splatoon-3-widget/
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By Mikhail MadnaniSep 27, 2022, 12:39 am126 ptsphoto of ‘Nintendo Switch Online’ App Updated With Splatoon 3 Widget Support To See Map Rotation, Battle Logs, and More on… imageFollowing the massively successful launch of Splatoon 3, Nintnedo has released a big update for the Nintendo Switch Online (Free) companion app on iOS and Android. This app released back in 2017, and has been updated on and off since. The app wasn’t really worth using at launch, but was good for checking out…

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