
 1 year ago
source link: https://birchtree.me/blog/bothsidesism/
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By Matt Birchler
I've been writing here since 2010! Back when personal blogs were all the rage. Kids, ask your parents.
September 21, 2022link


Max Witynski: False balance in news coverage of climate change makes it harder to address crisis

Bothsidesism — also referred to as false balance reporting — can damage the public’s ability to distinguish fact from fiction and lead audiences to doubt the scientific consensus on pressing societal challenges like climate change, a new Northwestern University study has found.

There's definitely something to this idea that we now see everything as an "us vs them" situation. If liberals believe in X, then conservatives are predisposed to look for a reason to not believe X (and vice versa). According to this study, a media that is obsessed with giving equal weight to observably false information in the name of some twisted version of "balance" isn't really helping.


Hey there, I'm Matt!

I'm a UI/UX designer at NMI and I make videos over on A Better Computer, which I think you'll love.

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