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Cryptography Cheat Sheet for Developers

Cryptography Cheat Sheet for Developers

Table of Contents

This is just a cheat sheet of cryptography, for developers just be able to tell when and how to use what. Read a book or paper if you're curious of the theory behind.

RULE No.1 of cryptography: DO NOT implement or invent new cipher yourself!!!

Haskell is chosen as programming language for examples since it is concise, interactive, typesafe and cryptonite! actually Haskell is chosen because I learnt most of the content in this article while implementing age in Haskell for my new experimental project https://github.com/jcouyang/dhall-secret/pull/1 PR welcome btw :)


All you need is just nix!

All codes in examples are executable in interative shell GHCi.

Please run the following to get into GHCi and config it correctly before trying any example.

nix-shell -p "haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (pkgs: [ pkgs.cryptonite pkgs.memory ])" --run ghci
GHCi, version 9.0.2: https://www.haskell.org/ghc/  :? for help
ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings
ghci> import Data.ByteString

openssl CLI will be used in few examples as well.


Encoding is not Encryption!!! It is just converting bytes from one format to another, for purposes like easier to store, transit etc. Although it looks scrambled, any one can convert it back and forth.

Most developers are very familiar with base64 https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc4648

ghci> import Data.ByteArray.Encoding
ghci> convertToBase Base64 ("hello world" :: ByteString) :: ByteString
ghci> convertFromBase Base64 ("aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=" :: ByteString) :: Either String ByteString
Right "hello world"
ghci> convertToBase Base16 ("hello world" :: ByteString) :: ByteString
ghci> convertFromBase Base16 ("68656c6c6f20776f726c64" :: ByteString) :: Either String ByteString
Right "hello world"

The number 64 or 16 indicates how large the alphabets table is. The larger the table, usually the shorter encoded message.

For instance base64 has 64 alphabets(actually 63, = is for padding), hence each alphabet can describe 2^6 aka 6bit.

base16 is basically just hex since one alphabet map to 2^4(4bit) using US-ASCII.

The following example of base64 data from message "hel" https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc4648#section-9

Input:   h        e        l
Hex:     6   8    6   5    6   c  
8-bit:   01101000 01100101 01101100
6-bit:   011010 000110 010101 1101100
Decimal: 26     6      21     44     
Output:  a      G      V      s      

Hash Function

Hash function can map bytes to another ONE WAY only but not the other way around. Common hash functions are SHA2, SHA3, MD5, Blake2… Modern hash functions such as SHA2, SHA3, Blake2 are consider secure hash functions. Old funtions such as MD5 and SHA1 are not secure since collisions found, and should avoid using them.

Hash functions are commonly used to proof the content not tampered, for example if you download an executable file form internet, you should compare the hash provided by the site and the one caclulated locally. Collisions found will indicate the function is not secure anymore, for example if someone hijack the content and replace with another malware which can calculate to the same hash.

ghci> import Crypto.Hash
ghci> hash ("hello world"::ByteString) :: Digest SHA1
ghci> hash ("hello world"::ByteString) :: Digest MD5
ghci> hash ("hello world"::ByteString) :: Digest SHA256
ghci> hash ("hello world"::ByteString) :: Digest SHA3_256
ghci> hash ("hello world"::ByteString) :: Digest Blake2s_256
ghci> hash ("hello world"::ByteString) :: Digest Blake2b_256

The number 256 in SHA and Blake indicates the output bits length, usually more bits means higher collisions resistance.

Hashing is NOT encryption!!! DO NOT store hash of password in database. Although hash function is not reversible, if I have a large enough dictionary, I can definitly tell from database the password 5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3 is hello world

There is example of Blake2b of "abc" and C implementation in rfc7693 https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7693#appendix-A

Message Authentication Code(MAC)

MAC is basically a hash function + key.

For example HMAC SHA256 is HMAC scramble the message with a key and hash with SHA256.

ghci> import Crypto.MAC.HMAC
ghci> hmacGetDigest $ hmac ("secret key"::ByteString) ("hello world"::ByteString) :: Digest SHA256

The scramble part is defined in rfc2104 https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2104 , H is hash function e.g. SHA256, K is secret key and , is concat

ipad = the byte 0x36 repeated B times
opad = the byte 0x5C repeated B times
H(K XOR opad, H(K XOR ipad, text))

MAC can be used in senario like:

  • Exchange private message, append a MAC of the message to proof it is not tampered, very similar to usage of hash function, but hash function is mainly use for public messages, for example a file from public website that everyone can download.
  • Pseudo Random Generator(PRG), HMAC(salt, seed) generate a pretty random enough key can be used in KDF

Key Derivation Function(KDF)

KDF is a function generates pseudo random key from password. Password is something we usually used to encrypt a file, or login to a website, because it is easy to remember or note for human, but not random enough to use directly as key to encrypt, and not secure to store in database.

You can think of KDF as just MAC, but run many iterations and consume some CPU and RAM.

PBKDF2 https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2898

The following example of PBKDF using HMAC SHA256, iterate 1000 times, and output length 32 bytes.

ghci> import Crypto.KDF.PBKDF2
ghci> generate (prfHMAC SHA256 :: PRF ByteString) (Parameters {iterCounts = 1000, outputLength = 32}) ("password":: ByteString) ("salt"::ByteString) :: ByteString

The output is 32 bytes length pseudo random bytestring, we can output hex format with base16 encoding

ghci> convertToBase Base16 $ (generate (prfHMAC SHA256 :: PRF ByteString) (Parameters {iterCounts = 1000, outputLength = 32}) ("password":: ByteString) ("salt"::ByteString) :: ByteString) :: ByteString

It is secure to store parameters( salt, iterations count, output length), together with the output bytes in database, in senario such as login, a server can run the same function again with the salt, iterations and length from the record, and compare the output bytes with the one stored in the database.

Since PBKDF2 hash each password with HMAC and a random salt many iterations, it is resistanct to dictionary attacks https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc4949#page-102 .

PBKDF2 is a common KDF but it is consider less secure than modern KDF such as Scrypt, Argon2.

Scrypt https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7914

The following is a example of deriving 32 bytes length key in 1024 iterations, block size 8 and parallel 2.

ghci> import Crypto.KDF.Scrypt
ghci> generate (Parameters {n=1024,r=8,p=2,outputLength=32}) ("password":: ByteString) ("salt"::ByteString) ::ByteString

TODO Symmetric Ciphers

TODO Asymmetric Ciphers

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