Elon Musk says he talked with Apple about satellite communication

 1 year ago
source link: https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/09/08/elon-musk-says-he-talked-with-apples-about-satellite-communication?
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The Emergency SOS via Satellite feature found in the new iPhone 14 models don't use Starlink, but Elon Musk said that he's spoken to Apple about it.

Comments (17)


said about 4 hours ago

"SpaceX has a group of Starlink satellites that its using to use for its own brand of internet connectivity. The company has hyped this product for years -- and there are on-the-ground installations in Ukraine -- but the overall roll-out has been slow."

What is this paragraph trying to say? That there is a subset of Starlink satellites providing some sort of different service? Because there are over 500,000 Starlink subscribers across the planet--hardly "hype"

Mike Wuerthele

said about 4 hours ago
ps10405 said:
"SpaceX has a group of Starlink satellites that its using to use for its own brand of internet connectivity. The company has hyped this product for years -- and there are on-the-ground installations in Ukraine -- but the overall roll-out has been slow."

What is this paragraph trying to say? That there is a subset of Starlink satellites providing some sort of different service? Because there are over 500,000 Starlink subscribers across the planet--hardly "hype"

There is no argument to be made that Musk has hit his promised targets for the roll-out when the reality is that he is behind by years on his targets. That is the literal definition of "overall roll-out has been slow."


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