How to imagine the investor perspective when you're pitching - Startup Daily

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News » Advice » Pitching » How to imagine the investor perspective when you’re pitching


How to imagine the investor perspective when you’re pitching

Phil Morle - September 7, 2022 < 1 MIN READ

Laurence Olivier as Hamlet, 1948. Image: Rank Films
Before you start pitching, roleplay the investor perspective

Pitches need to be given from the perspective of the investor.

These things are too often forgotten

  • The investor’s job is to make a financial return for their investors.
  • They get thousands of pitches per year. This means they are distracted and also that they’ve probably heard a similar pitch to yours already.

Put your investor hat on

Ask yourself:

  • Did you understand the value quickly?
  • Did it activate your greed? I know that sounds shallow and horrible, but…
  • Does it make you feel that “This is just like Company X and Company Y”, or can you articulate one or two points that make this a unique opportunity?
  • Can you imagine the next few years of development, and do you believe it is possible?

Roleplay with others

  • Try this with others. Perhaps other founders or people in your team. Especially people who are not industry experts.
  • Imagine re-mortgaging your house or selling your car to get a piece of this company. Whatever feels like taking some pain and taking a risk. Would you invest?
Phil Morle

Phil is a producer and a maker.

He is a Partner at the CSIRO's venture capital arm, Main Sequence Ventures.

His career began as a theatre director teaching him how to build something from nothing, how to build tightly unified teams and how to tell a story.

His career transitioned from making tech-heavy art into making tech with a producer mindset. This phase of his career culminated in his role as CTO at the massive file-sharing company - Kazaa. At its height, this company was the majority of data travelling through the internet and played a material role in the emergence of how media is shared today.

After Kazaa, Phil co-founded the first tech incubator in Asia Pacific - Pollenizer. Here he played an instrumental role in developing the startup ecosystem across Asia Pacific and advised some of the world’s biggest organisations on practical ways to deliver new growth and the cultural change that is required to get there.

In 2016, he led and designed the program for ON, CSIRO's national deep tech accelerator program.

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