Sinespace Event: Come to The Zoo Party Today, September 3rd, Featuring a Costume...

 1 year ago
source link: https://ryanschultz.com/2022/09/03/sinespace-event-come-to-the-zoo-party-today-september-3rd-featuring-a-costume-contest-with-2500-gold-in-prizes-plus-a-24-hour-scavenger-hunt/
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Sinespace Event: Come to The Zoo Party Today, September 3rd, Featuring a Costume Contest with 2,500 Gold in Prizes, Plus a 24-Hour Scavenger Hunt!


The social VR/virtual world platform Sinespace is going to be throwing a zoo-themed party on Saturday evening, September 3rd, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time/8:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Residents are encouraged to dress up as animals, and there are some serious prizes for the top two winners of the costume contest!


The Zoo with its amazing show of dozens of animals! Best dressed in created animal: first place 2000 Gold, second place 500 Gold (contest board). Live music with DJ Les spinning the tunes!

24 Hour Scavenger Hunt! Four frogs have escaped the Amphibian House and the zookeeper needs help finding them. Go to The Zoo between 8:00 p.m. EDT Sept. 3rd and 8:00 p.m. EDT Sept. 4th, find a frog, and take your picture with the frog. Post it to Sinespace Discord events, on fansite, or the Welcome Centre Flickr board. Tag Mimi, send help and receive 100 Gold! One frog per person, please!


The location of the party will be the Zoo world, but it will not be open until just before the event starts. Just click on the Explore button in the bottom row of blue buttons on your Sinespace client, search for “Zoo”, and you’ll easily find it!


If you’re brand new to Sinespace, here’s a guide I wrote up on how to get started; it’s intended for those familiar with Second Life, but it should work for anybody.

See you there!

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This blogpost is sponsored by Sinespace, and was written in my role as an embedded reporter for this virtual world (more details here). 

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Posted on September 3, 2022September 3, 2022Author Ryan SchultzCategories Sinespace and BreakroomTags Sinespace, Sinespace Events, The Zoo

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