UK is extending its high-speed gigabit broadband to the middle and east of the c...

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.neowin.net/news/uk-is-extending-its-high-speed-gigabit-broadband-to-the-middle-and-east-of-the-country/
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UK is extending its high-speed gigabit broadband to the middle and east of the country

UK London

The UK is all set for a multimillion-pound nationwide investment to extend high-speed fibre across the nation. The UK government as well as private companies are working in partnership to enable high speed internet.

There are two private companies, CityFibre and MS3, that have announced their plans to roll out fibre services in the UK. The companies will start serving Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, as well as the East Rising of Yorkshire and Lincolnshire. By 2025, CityFibre will reach up to eight million premises in 285 cities, towns and villages, as well as 800,000 businesses, 400,000 local authority sites and 250,000 5G access points.

In Wellingborough specially, CityFibre is set to invest £14 million that will bring fast an reliable full-fibre-enabled internet services within the reach of almost every home and business. CityFibre is also working across the UK with Vodafone to supply full-fibre infrastructure on selected Vodafone Pro Broadband plans. The company has also partnered up with TalkTalk, IDNet, Giganet, and Zen Internet.

MS3 Networks, which is a wholesale-only fibre network operators, has also agreed on a new long-term contract with Zone Broadband. This allows MS3 to deliver gigabit broadband services to the residents of Hull, Grimsby, and Scunthorpe.

CEO of MS3 Networks Guy Miller said:

“We’re very excited to be extending our relationship with Zone Broadband. They are a fantastic, well-established ISP in the UK and by working together there will be significant benefits for many households. Our partnership with Zone Broadband means that together we’re able to help thousands of households access the fastest broadband speeds in the UK and save them money in the process, which is a very powerful message amidst the current economic situation.”

The UK government has also recently outlined new guidelines for broadband and mobile companies. This is to ensure data protection and also the protection for any software and equipment that is used to analyze the networks.

Source: ComputerWeekly

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