Huawei confirms that the Mate 50 phones will feature cameras with variable apert...

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.gsmarena.com/huawei_confirms_that_the_mate_50_phones_will_feature_cameras_with_variable_aperture-news-55595.php
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Huawei confirms that the Mate 50 phones will feature cameras with variable aperture


Huawei has officially confirmed one of the most interesting rumors about the upcoming Mate 50 series before the September 6 announcement – the phones will feature a variable aperture on their cameras (presumably only the main camera).

Almost all phones these days have fixed apertures with rare exceptions and even those usually switch between two settings. Huawei kept it vague, but according to rumors the phones will be able to dial in the aperture smoothly between f/1.4 and f/4.

This will give users control over the depth of field (the bigger the f-number, the deeper the DoF), but it will also allow the camera to slow down the shutter speed without blowing out the image. High shutter speeds used by phones during daytime don’t always look great, especially when recording video.

Sticking to unofficial info, leakster Digital Chat Station reports on the quad camera setup for the Huawei Mate 50 Pro: 50MP main (IMX766, 1/1.5”), 13MP ultra wide (IMX688), 40MP black and white (IMX600) and 64MP 3.5x periscope (OV64B, 1/2”).

The cameras will rely on Huawei’s in-house XMAGE technology for the image processing, which will include a HiSilicon NPU (the phones are expected to use 4G versions of Qualcomm’s latest flagship chipsets).

Source 1 | Source 2 (in Chinese) | Via

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