Dell's XPS 13 Plus has a screen problem all because of glue

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.xda-developers.com/dell-xps-13-plus-screen-problem/
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Dell’s XPS 13 Plus has a screen problem all because of glue

Dell’s XPS 13 Plus is one of the newest and best laptops you can buy in 2022, but one version of it has an issue. A set of users with the OLED version of the XPS 13 Plus are reporting that the display could separate from the chassis of the device. After people took to social media to complain, Dell also responded and said it will be in contact with those who might be impacted.

The best display of this problem went viral on YouTube, where Scott Meyn showed that the entire screen comes off the XPS 13 Plus when he was trying to close the lid shut. He was using a demo unit in a Best Buy display area, but there have been multiple reports on Reddit of actual XPS Plus owners who have other screen issues. Some XPS 13 Plus users showed how the screen on the laptop turns off on its own, and displays incorrect colors. In one extreme scenario, a user even reported that the touchscreen stopped working.


Officially, Dell issued a statement to The Verge to clarify the issue. It pointed out that the problems seem to be linked to a third-party adhesive and screws, but only on the OLED model. The full statement can be seen below.

Dell Technologies places the highest priority on the quality of our products. We discovered that some screens on the XPS 13 Plus OLED systems may become loose because of problems with the third-party adhesive used, and we quickly corrected the issue in our production process. Dell is proactively reaching out to customers who may be impacted to replace the screen, ideally before it becomes loose.

It is not clear if this is an official recall, as Dell did not mention that term specifically in its statement. However, one Redditor pointed out that Best Buy withdrew his order, mentioning “recall” as reasoning in the order notes. That said, you might want to hold off on buying an OLED model of the XPS 13 Plus for the time being, and consider the standard version until this issue is fully resolved. Or, if you already own an XPS 13 Plus OLED model, consider reaching out to Dell for a replacement.

Source: The Verge

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