General - Switched from S22 Ultra to Pixel 6 Pro | XDA Forums

 1 year ago
source link: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/switched-from-s22-ultra-to-pixel-6-pro.4486657/#post-87365317
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Switched from S22 Ultra to Pixel 6 Pro

Hello Guys!
I just wanted to tell about my experience with my old S22 Ultra and my current daily driver the Pixel 6 Pro.
First off, why did I even changed my phone?
- I had the S22 Ultra with 128GB Rom and 8GB Ram (Exynos chip). And I need to say it was horrible. Lags all over the UI etc. And I dont even want to talk about app switching.
Basicaly I was not satisfied with the phone itself. The camera was great, but it needed to load the camera app for so long to actually take photos. Also when taking photos it needed a long time to shutter.

Now I have the Pixel for one day, and I am overwhelmed how great this phone is. I was always that guy who install custom roms on my devices. But since the Galaxy S9 the community for Samsung was not active anymore. But the Pixel is the first phone where I wouldnt even want to install a custom rom, the UI and everything together is so great. Minimalistic and just smart.

Of course there are some things I am missing, like the spen, I found it very helpful in some situations, or the desing and feeling itself.
But I am happy that I switched, the Pixel feels a lot smoother than the Ultra and the the whole system just feels it is in line.
Now the Pros & Cons for the Pixel:
- the system, everything togehter
- Tensor chip, its mostly an exynos but it is crafted for this device and OS, so its really like a musical
- felling of vibration, much more intense than the samsung one
- camera bump, when the phone lays on the table there is no wobbly when using the phone
- Always on display, looking much more cleaner than the samsung one
- Systemupdates, Android 13 came over OTA, I needed to flash the beta on the Ultra per Alliance App (living in Austria, so no offical beta)
- rooting doesnt kill my varrinty or other apps, on Samsung there is a knox chip that gets destroyed when rooting, not on Pixel
- all Apps are from Google, like Messages, Telephone, Contact etc, much more better than the samsung ones
- Speakers have much more bass than on the Ultra
- and much more...

- Fingerprint is slower than on the Samsung
- like I said, no spen
- no dual sim (like cards), possible with 1 Sim-card and 1 e-sim
- buttons are felling more stifer, I need more pressure to lock the phone

I hope this little writing can help someone who is still deciding what phone to buy, my opinion is, that the Pixel is the better option, costs less and has much less cons than pros.
If you have something to add or have question, write here. I am open for discussion.

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