GRC Tuesdays: It’s Nearly Time For The International Conference on Cyber Securit...

 1 year ago
source link: https://blogs.sap.com/2022/08/30/grc-tuesdays-its-nearly-time-for-the-international-conference-on-cyber-security-data-protection/
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Good things come to those who wait, right? Well then, the wait is nearly over!
The International Conference on Cyber Security & Data Protection will kick-off on 5th of October 2022 in the beautiful city of Dublin.
After 2 virtual events focused on “Building Digital” Trust in 2020 and “Cybersecurity in the Intelligent Enterprise” in 2021, it’s time to host this event onsite and in-person and the theme this year will revolve around “Implementing Zero Trust with Business-Centered Access Governance and Security”.

Why Dublin?

Because Dublin is regularly ranked as one of Europe’s leading tech cities, home to both established players and innovative start-ups. But also, because Dublin is known the world over for its hospitality… And finally because we trialed this particular location for the SAP Conference on Internal Controls, Compliance and Risk Management in June and it was a success!

What can you expect?

Two hands-on and interactive pre-conference workshops

  • Cybersecurity with SAP Solutions for Access Governance, Cybersecurity and Data Protection will provide an understanding of the value you can get from SAP solutions addressing this area and enable you to discover how you can add additional layers to the security model of your applications and where it will make the most sense.
  • The Three Hottest Topics for You and Your CISO. In this three part workshop, SAP experts will share their perspective on how to best create a business case for your cybersecurity and data protection, highlight how companies can best tackle the challenge of compliant access to data and systems, regardless if it is on-premise, Cloud or in a mixed mode governance in the Cloud age, and also provide practical tips on how to follow NIST’s latest recommendations and “merge” your cyber risks into your ERM framework for a unified, single view of business risks.

Inspiring keynotes

  • SAP Cloud Security: Why Thousands of Organizations Trust SAP to Protect their Data that will go over some of the security challenges in moving to cloud technology and the ways SAP works with customers to protect their data.
  • Zero Trust Security – A Session of SAP Solutions for Identity & Access Management and Cybersecurity & Data Protection Supporting this Strategy on how you can leverage SAP solutions for cybersecurity and data protection but also what’s new and how you can benefit from recent enhancements to protect your valuable data and infrastructure.
  • Extending Zero Trust, Data Protection and Regulatory Compliance to the Cloud With SAP Data Custodian that will detail how SAP Data Custodian is helping to protect SAP customer data and extend zero trust to the cloud using features such as Data Residency Control, Data Discovery, Customer Controlled Encryption Keys, Tokenization and Contextual (including user geolocation) Access Control.
  • The Nightmare for Cyber of Subscribers on Fiber is the closing keynote of the event with a fun look at cyber security challenges of the past, present and future. Do we have adequate protection against the challenges we faced 20 years ago? Today’s challenges? What about the future?

Customer-led agenda

This conference is really built around business-led customer stories featuring best practices, tips, tricks and lessons learned from established SAP users:

  • Threat Detection and Dashboard Overview of SAP Security Posture – This session by EDP and Deloitte will cover pressing cybersecurity challenges that today’s organizations are facing in their SAP systems.
  • The Journey of Establishing SAP Enterprise Threat Detection (ETD) – Speakers from Boehringer Ingelheim will share their experience of SAP Security Excellence Initiatives alongside insights into the SAP ETD implementation project and operations, as well as lessons learned and tips to plan and run a successful implementation of the solution.
  • Getting Ready for a Sustainable Hybrid SAP IAM Landscape – Experts from GETINGE and ROIABLE will share an innovative approach to a new modern SAP IAM landscape for managing cloud and on-premise systems based on existing SAP solutions like Identity Authentication, Identity Provisioning, SAP Identity Management and SAP Access Control, complimented with an end-to-end Fiori interface, which hides the complexity “under the hood” and provides a delightful user experience.
  • Segregation of Duties Beyond the ERP – During this session, the speaker from Holcim will explain how to extend SAP Access Control in order to monitor the Segregation of Duties (SoD) not only for the ERP, but also across other applications, while the SoD conflicts are addressed proactively through Identity Governance and Administration (IGA) software integration and reactively through extended reporting capabilities.
  • GDPR Application Rules on Personnel Data of External Company Agents Through SAP UI Masking – Speakers from ArcelorMittal will elaborate on why the company chose SAP UI Masking as the tool to cover their business requirements. The IT implementation track of the business steered UI masking logic (analyze, design, implement) will be discussed, alongside key milestones and possible pitfalls during the implementation track.
  • Vestas’ Journey Towards a Compliant Hybrid Security Model – This presentation is about how Vestas Wind Systems addressed digitalization journey challenges by involving the many stakeholders across the organization, leveraging on SAP Identity Management and SAP Access Control and establishing centralized Identity Governance and Administration (IGA) in a hybrid landscape.

Interactive break-out sessions

In addition to the workshops and the customer presentations, there will also be interactive break-outs. These are designed to allow you to pose your questions to the experts, network with your peers and discuss those topics most relevant to your organization:

  • Everything You Always Wanted to Ask About Cyber Security and Data Protection – An open mic to share questions and ideas on industry benchmarks, lessons learned, business benefits, quick wins, best practices… as well as getting insights on how companies are planning to build robust security measures to identify, analyze, and neutralize cyberattacks in their applications as they happen and before serious damage occurs.
  • SAP Cyber Security, IAM and Data Protection: What’s New? – An open format session with the leaders of the GRC solutions at SAP to get a quick orientation about roadmap and select recent enhancements delivered in SAP solutions for Identity & Access Management and Cybersecurity and Data Protection.

Network and more!

This event will also give you the chance to connect with other attendees over a wind-down drink, and delicious canapes at our informal evening networking reception!


Evening networking reception at SAP Conference on Internal Controls, Compliance and Risk Management in June

What, Who, When, Where, and How?

  • What are we talking about?

The International Conference on Cyber Security & Data Protection presented by SAP and TAC Events

  • Who should attend?

Chief Information / Data Security Officer
Chief Information / Data Officer
Chief Risk Officer
Chief Technology Officer
Chief Security Officer
Chief Audit Executive

As well as Heads and Senior Managers of:

Application Security
Data Security
Cyber Security
SAP Enterprise Architecture
SAP Centre of Excellence

  • When does it take place?

5th and 6th of October 2022

  • Where is it hosted?

The Gibson Hotel in Dublin, Ireland

  • How to register?

Tickets can be purchased directly here: Registration page

If you are too far away to travel to Dublin for a few days, or simply have other commitments that don’t enable you to join us but would still like to attend, then don’t worry: there are virtual access passes available for the event! These will give you access to the live streaming of SAP keynote presentations and selected customer case studies, but also on-demand recordings of all plenary presentations (available post-event via the event platform).

If you have any questions about this event, feel free to reach out on Twitter @TFrenehard or add them in the comments on this blog.

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Joyk means Joy of geeK