Decentraland, The Sandbox, And Supontis Token Support Decentralisation And The M...

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Decentraland, The Sandbox, And Supontis Token Support Decentralisation And The Metaverse

August 28, 2022

Bridges have been essential for humans since the start of time, to connect one part of the world to another. The world saw the invention of Alexander’s telephone as a bridge of long-distance communication. 

The advent of social media was an even better bridge that was developed. The latest one is the Metaverse. The Metaverse is the new wave of an alternative reality meaning it is a combination of different technologies (Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality). 

The Metaverse concept is based on the idea that users would be able to do virtually anything within a digital world. Here are three main cryptocurrency platforms actively involved in building this bridge: Supontis Token (PON), The Sandbox (SAND), and Decentraland (MANA).

Supontis Token (PON)

Supontis Token (PON), created by a team of developers, serves as a platform for transferring cryptocurrencies between blockchains. Supontis (PON) is a marriage of the English word “Super” and “Pontis”, the Latin word for bridge. 

Supontis Token (PON) is a decentralised community-based platform. What this means is that decisions, plans, and proposals based on the Supontis Token network are controlled by holders of the native token of the network – PON. This is possible because Supontis Token is operated by a decentralised autonomous organisation (DAO). 

Supontis Token is focused on creating a platform where users and token holders feel like they matter and their opinions are heard.  

The PON token is a BEP-20 token built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) network and will have a total supply of 10 billion tokens. The token will also have an initial price of $0.0056 and will be available for purchase on PancakeSwap and Uniswap upon launch.


The Sandbox (SAND)

The Sandbox (SAND) is a community-driven virtual platform based on the Metaverse where players and users can build, own, and make money through gaming on the Ethereum blockchain using SAND, the native token of the platform. 

Players utilising The Sandbox platform get to create non-fungible token (NFT) assets and upload them to a virtual Marketplace. These assets can also be integrated into gaming experiences with a feature called the Game Maker. 

Another feature of The Sandbox (SAND) platform is LAND, which is digital real estate with limited supply. Users can make money by leasing these LANDs or filling them up with other digital resources to increase their value. 

The Sandbox (SAND) also has a foundation that supports its ecosystem and is actively involved in game project funding, creators’ fund management, grants, and the general growth of local communities.

SAND, the utility token of the Sandbox platform. The cryptocurrency has a circulating supply of over 500 million SAND tokens and is available for purchase on Binance, UpBit, UniSwap, Kucoin, and other major platforms.


Decentraland (MANA)

Decentraland (MANA) is a major decentralised virtual world operated by its DAO. The Decentraland platform’s DAO owns most of the important assets that make up the platform. These assets include land contracts, estate Contracts, wearables, and a Marketplace where transactions are made using the platform’s token, MANA. 

As always, the ever-evolving cryptocurrency market has delved into the world of decentralisation and the Metaverse that encourages independent actions.

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