Customer Data Cloud Screen Sets and Alternative

 1 year ago
source link: https://blogs.sap.com/2022/08/29/customer-data-cloud-screen-sets-and-alternative/
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August 29, 2022 3 minute read

Customer Data Cloud Screen Sets and Alternative

Prior to discuss Customer Data Cloud’s screen-sets, we first look at and understand few terms about SAP Customer Data Cloud.

What is “Screen-Sets” of SAP Customer Data Cloud?

SAP Customer Data Cloud provides registration, log-in and other flows out of the box (OOTB), which cover most scenarios encountered when consumers log in to the website. These user-facing flows are displayed as sets of successive screens, known as Screen-Sets. 

In general, there are six major flows provided by SAP Customer Data Cloud screen-sets. In many cases, some of those flows are interconnected and one flow might be triggered by another.

  • Registration flow
  • Log-in flow
  • Update profile flow
  • Link accounts flow
  • Re-authentication flow
  • Forgot password flow

In this blog, we focus on registration and log-in screen sets to begin with. In the future, other user faced flows will be explored.

How does “screen-sets” apply to the registration and log-in flows within SAP Customer Data Cloud?

Lite registration flow: In a lite registration screen, the only data required by SAP Customer Data Cloud is a valid email address. This type of screen is usually used for subscriptions, and any flow where only an email is needed.

Typically, this can apply to competition sign-ups, unlocking restricted content etc.

This registration flow is sampled as below:


Standard registration and login flows: those flows are essentially the same and differ only in the first screen displayed to the user.

Commonly, we look at two registration flows by level of complexity.

A simple registration flow includes the option to log in to an existing account and registering with a social network. When a registration process completes successfully, the pop-up registration screen closes, and the user is logged in to your site.

This registration flow is sampled as below:


More details can be found via Configuring a registration completion screen

An advanced registration flow is triggered on top of a standard registration flow by adding several additional options, such as:

Profile completion: this screen is triggered when information is missing from the user profile. For example, the screen may pop up in the following use cases:

  • If the user registered with a social network, but is missing the email as a mandatory field, so a prompt asks the user for the minimal required data without disrupting the ease of registration from social network.
  • If the sites include Customer Consent, the screen will appear in case the user is missing a valid consent to a required consent statement.

Account linking: this flow and process is triggered if the user is attempting to create a new site account, but that email is associated with an existing user account created by registering with a social network.

This registration flow is sampled as below:


What is the recommended “Screen-sets” implementation of SAP Customer Data Cloud?

Once knowing what user data and user-facing flows are required, it is important for any site to design a user experience that is flexible to meet both the business and IT objectives. To do so, it is recommended to consider the following three registration-as-a-service options within SAP Customer Data Cloud solution:

  • Out-Of-The-Box (OOTB)
  • Mark-Up Extensions
  • Account APIs

Comparisons and recommendations based on level of efforts (LOE):


Among those three deployment options, the best practice advice is to integrate the registration process and log in flows by using the OOTB option (CDC screen-sets) which involves minimum level of efforts to implement and very user friendly to deploy. The OOTB configuration screen within Customer Data Cloud is seen as below:


Additionally, SAP Customer Data Cloud allows certain levels of customisation. There are three use cases to be applied.

Screen-sets Customisation Scenarios:

  • Change the appearance of the screens, add, or remove fields, mark fields as mandatory and more. This can be done through the screens of a Screen-Set with the UI Builder or by using CDC Markup Extensions
  • Change the flows and add new screens by manually editing the HTML and CSS code provided in the default screen-sets.
  • Change the user-facing error messages. For more information, see Customising screen-set error messages

Hope you find this sharing insightful and enjoy the reading.

CX Intelligent Adoption & Consumption Team (IA&C CX)

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