GitHub - breck7/pldb: The Programming Language Database

 1 year ago
source link: https://github.com/breck7/pldb
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The Programming Language Database

PLDB is a public domain database and blog containing over 100,000 facts about over 4,000 programming languages.

This repo contains the entire database, blog, and code for https://pldb.com.

To analyze the data

The PLDB database is freely available:

// npm install pldb

Documentation for the columns is available here: https://pldb.com/docs/columns.html.

To add a new language

Easy method: https://edit.pldb.com/create

Advanced method: Create a new file in database/things with a unique URL friendly filename ending in .pldb and send a pull request.

To update a language

Easy method: https://edit.pldb.com/

Advanced method: Edit the corresponding database/things/*.pldb file and send a pull request.

To build the full site locally

git clone https://github.com/breck7/pldb
cd pldb
npm install .
npm run build
open pldb.local/index.html

To explore this repo

The most important folder is database/things/, which contains a file for each entity. The folder database/grammar/ contains the grammar files (schema) for the database.

The blog content is in the blog folder.

The code folder contains importer scripts and other code for the database and site.

To cite PLDB

PLDB content is published to the public domain and you can use it freely. If needed, here are 3 options for citing PLDB:

Breck Yunits et al. (2022) - "The Programming Language Database". Retrieved from: 'https://pldb.com' [Online Resource]
  author = {Breck Yunits et al.},
  title = {The Programming Language Database},
  journal = {PLDB},
  year = {2022},
  note = {https://pldb.com}

All sources for PLDB can be found here: https://pldb.com/pages/acknowledgements.html

About Joyk

Aggregate valuable and interesting links.
Joyk means Joy of geeK