The Future Of Accelerating Digital Transformation Through Industry Ecosystems

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.tibco.com/blog/2022/08/10/the-future-of-accelerating-digital-transformation-through-industry-ecosystems/
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Digital Transformation Today: A Global Capitalization

Ecosystems are an essential part of enabling flexibility and scalability in your business. According to IDC’s 2022 Worldwide CEO Survey, nearly 88 percent of CEOs plan to sustain or increase tech spending in 2022. If you’re not already leveraging digital intelligence, then you’ve fallen behind industry standards. Now more than ever, businesses are realizing the need for digital prediction and data insights that can help transform decision-making with technology. This shift isn’t industry-specific. It is prevalent in all sectors—especially banking, energy, and healthcare.

According to INCM Chair Gonçalo Caseiro, “This is not about managing one crisis. It’s about being prepared for anything—and being able to adapt to any disruption to the business. And technology is critical to make this a reality.”

Navigating the Storms of Disruption

Source: Worldwide CEO Survey, January 2022 n=389

Regardless of your industry, digital changes are happening all around you, and you need to understand why. TIBCO Senior VP of Worldwide Partner Ecosystem and Sales, Tony Beller, was joined by guest speaker and IDC Research Vice President, Jeff Hojlo, to discuss what partners need to know to optimize digital transformation through industry ecosystems—by way of a webinar. Fear not, this webinar was recorded and available for anyone looking to amplify partner success with tech-led innovation. If you’re not already convinced to watch, keep reading for supported research, advice from industry leaders, and TIBCO partner success stories.

The Next Phase in Digital Transformation

So, what’s the next phase of digital transformation, and what should businesses do to ensure they can meet the industry demands of constantly changing markets? What even are industry ecosystems? What can this do for the business long term? All good questions that this webinar answers. Here are some highlights:

You Must Have a Digital First Business: In the past several years, businesses have navigated economic downturns, supply chain disruptions, inflation, global pandemics, and many other political and social disruptions. Of course, disasters that can impact business are never completely avoidable, but they can be mitigated if you’re prepared. Digital transformation is an essential prerequisite for a business to truly become “digital first.”

The Characteristics of Industry Ecosystem: First and foremost, a digital ecosystem is just a term to describe a community of complex segments such as software ecosystems, industry ecosystems, and business ecosystems. To learn more about the key elements and breakdown of industry ecosystems, listen to our guest speaker explain the Key Elements of “Industry Ecosystems.”

Key Elements of Industry Ecosystems

The Future of Driving Digital Transformation Through Industry Ecosystems Webinar

Create Connected Enterprise Intelligence to Scale: Ecosystem intelligence and interconnected data will accelerate the next phase of digital transformation. When you create a digital-first business, you enable a reliable data flow with analytics and decision support tools across all domains or industry ecosystems. Data governance creates a trusted, shared stream of bi-directional data that empowers applications, operations, and innovation—critical to growth. To take it even further, when you have intelligent ecosystems and partners, you’re multiplying the productivity of your solutions tenfold. 

How Partners Drive Innovation and Solve Industry Challenges 

“A diverse partner ecosystem is the catalyst for maintaining focus on driving scale, innovation and exceeding customer demands and expectations.”


Here are a few TIBCO partner solutions featured in the webinar. 

Driving Innovative Solutions in Finance

Apgar Consulting, a TIBCO Gold partner, is a leading, global data advisory consultancy company focused on helping clients make the best use of data by creating one single domain master data management solution built with TIBCO EBX software: Apgar’s MDM Finance platform. This solution accelerates the accurate governance of master data, reference data, and metadata for financial institutions.

Driving Innovative Solutions in Energy

Accenture, a TIBCO Gold partner, works with TIBCO integration and analytics solutions to provide insights into the utility journey. Its Marketing Communications Hub solution provides real-time insight into all internal and external communication. With this solution, customers can oversee regulatory requirements with API and business process management, and all executives can utilize, monitor, and make data-driven actions to address sudden market shifts.

Driving Innovative Solutions in Healthcare

Ready Computing, a TIBCO Registered partner, is a global full-service consulting firm, specializing in data-centric healthcare solutions. Ready Computing created the Ready Computing Channels solution, helping its customers connect community members with the local and regional medical providers and resources using just one hub. With this solution, individuals can attain care via an easy app whenever and wherever. Referral tracking integrates important data from organizations and agencies—eliminating headaches for all care providers.

Watch the Webinar On-Demand

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  • Click here to stream the webinar entirely free! Watch on-demand with some buttered popcorn to gain a 360-degree insight on achieving a digital transformation.

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