Apple Launching the iPhone 14 Earlier Makes Perfect Sense

 1 year ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/apple-launching-the-iphone-14-earlier-makes-perfect-sense-535954.shtml
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The device could see the daylight on September 7

iPhone 14 to launch in early September
   iPhone 14 to launch in early September

The most recent information on the iPhone 14 front concerns the launch event, as people familiar with the matter said the Cupertino-based tech giant plans to take the wraps off the device on September 7.

The date is a little bit surprising for Apple watchers, especially as Apple typically unveils its new-generation iPhones in mid-September.

But according to well-known Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, the date makes perfect sense, as the growing risks of a global recession convinced the Cupertino-based tech giant to bring its premium device to the market earlier than usual. In other words, Apple hopes it would reduce the impact a recession would have on the iPhone 14 by bringing the device to the market earlier than expected, especially given the smartphone is expected to be $100 more expensive than the current generation.

“The iPhone 14 announcement/shipping date may be earlier than iPhone 13/12, which could be one of the reasons why Apple offered a positive outlook for  3Q22 from the last earnings call,” Kuo says. “The global recession risk is still growing and unpredictable, so announcing/shipping the iPhone as soon as possible may minimize the impact of recession risk on demand.”

The September 7 event will also witness the debut of the Apple Watch Series 8, as well as the release of iOS 16.

If the event takes place on September 7, here are the dates that you must keep in mind for the iPhone 14 debut:  

  • September 7 (Wednesday) – the launch event
  • September 9 (next Friday) – Apple starts taking pre-orders for the iPhone 14
  • September 16 (a week later) – Apple starts shipping the iPhone 14

At this point, we still don’t know if all iPhones are projected to become available at the same time or if certain models could hit the shelves at a later date due to constrained inventory.

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