Liz Cheney is already raising money for her next effort

 1 year ago
source link: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/liz-cheney-is-already-raising-money-for-her-next-effort-191415830.html
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Liz Cheney is already raising money for her next effort

Ben Werschkul
·Washington Correspondent
Fri, August 19, 2022, 4:14 AM·4 min read

While Liz Cheney lost among Wyoming voters, one contest where she emerged victorious was the money race against her Trump-endorsed opponent.

According to the most recent filings, Cheney raised over $15 million for her campaign versus $4.4 million for Harriet Hageman. The bigger bankroll didn’t help her much on Tuesday, however, with Hageman decisively winning by nearly 40 percentage points.

But Cheney responded to her widely-expected defeat with a quick pivot. She launched a new political group for herself aimed at a possible run for president and, flush with cash, the new group's website was up and accepting donations by Wednesday morning.

Barbara Comstock, a Cheney ally and GOP donor, told Yahoo Finance that the money from supporters like her would “definitely” keep flowing, adding she is “thrilled [Cheney] is going to continue to stay active” as a leader of the effort by anti-Trump Republicans to take on the former president.

A representative for Cheney didn’t respond to queries from Yahoo Finance about how fundraising has gone since Tuesday’s election, and Cheney herself is expected for now to focus on her role as the vice chair on the House Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol attack.

Republican candidate U.S. Representative Liz Cheney waves during her primary election night party in Jackson, Wyoming, U.S. August 16, 2022.  REUTERS/David Stubbs
Representative Liz Cheney waves during her primary election night party in Wyoming on Tuesday. (REUTERS/David Stubbs)

But Cheney’s most recent campaign filing shows she's had over $7 million in the bank, a sizable jumpstart for her 2024 plans. However she ends up choosing to spend that money, she faces a steep uphill battle trying to thwart Trump. With Cheney’s loss, 8 of the 10 Republican House members who voted for his impeachment won’t be returning next year.

‘Our work is far from over’

During her recent campaign, Cheney’s donors spanned the national and ideological spectrum, from luminaries of the GOP establishment like former president George W. Bush and Senator Mitt Romney to Democratic-affiliated donors like Jeffrey Katzenberg and LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman. From the business world, figures like Melinda Gates and Citi CEO Jane Fraser have also sent money.

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