Codiga - Code snippets management made easy | Product Hunt

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/codiga
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Code snippets management made easy👋 Product Hunt, we are proud to present our Coding Assistant product. Unlike AI-based approaches, Codiga indexes code snippets from your team and suggests them directly in your IDE.

We reduced the friction of creating, sharing, and using code snippets from your IDE. You can create code snippets with just a few clicks in VS Code, JetBrains, or Chrome. And share them publicly on our Codiga Hub or privately with your team.

To use a snippet, you can just enter a comment in your source code with the keywords of your search. Code Snippets are suggested and previewed in your IDE.

Our solution never reads your source code. You can check it yourself: all our plugins are open-source, and we are transparent about what is sent to our servers.

Would love to hear your feedback about our product.

Thank you 🙏

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