Announcing the next Meeting C++ online job fair!

 1 year ago
source link: http://meetingcpp.com/meetingcpp/news/items/Announcing-the-next-Meeting-Cpp-online-job-fair-.html
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Announcing the next Meeting C++ online job fair!

published at 16.08.2022 11:37 by Jens Weller
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The next online C++ job fair will be on September 20th/21st.

Like in the previous installments, the fair will offer an afternoon event on the first day, and an evening event on the second day. The September event has been sofar always been the best for employer and job seeking, so I expect high attendence. Job seekers please sign up for the events in meetup linked on the job fair page.

For Employers

Please book your spot early.

For employers there is a little to big change this time: I'm merging the employer listing with the job fair. Booking a table at the job fair now will also get you listed for 6 months. This is also a reflection on the last two job fairs with 1 and 2 employers attending. This is mostly done with internal changes, so signing up for the job fair is now enough to be listed at Meeting C++ recruiting! And its also the only way, as the stand-alone employer listing is discontinued.

This solves two issues I've had with the recruiting part of Meeting C++. First, I don't have time to sell two different offers, and there has not been a large interest in the employer listing. The job fair is doing very well, and also includes listing in the CV Form and kinda queries already the information needed for the listing. So it made sense to incorporate this into one offer. It also merges some of the code in the website to only handle one thing instead of two.

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