Using principles to make better decisions faster by Martin Eriksson - Mind the P...

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.mindtheproduct.com/overcoming-decision-overload-using-principles-to-make-better-decisions-faster-by-martin-eriksson/
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Overcoming Decision Overload: Using principles to make better decisions faster by Martin Eriksson

In his keynote at #mtpengage Hamburg 2022, Martin Eriksson – Product Partner at EQT Ventures, Co-Founder of Mind the Product, and Co-Author of the best-selling book Product Leadership, or in short “the big friendly giant of product management” – illustrates how to overcome decision overload. Starting with his popular mental model, the “decision stack”, Martin emphasizes the importance of product principles and explains how they can help simplify and accelerate decision-making in any organization. If you are interested in faster and better decision-making, this talk is for you.

Martin starts his keynote by reminding us of the stress that’s caused by every single decis…


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Tobias Freudenreich

Tobias is an independent product coach & consultant. He helps product people and organizations to grow in order to build successful products. He's also the host of the German podcast series "Produktmenschen", co-organizer of ProductTank Hamburg and co-moderator of MTP Engage Hamburg.

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