Unfluff - Free WP plugin that detects fluff & AI-written content | Product H...

 1 year ago
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Free WP plugin that detects fluff & AI-written contentI'm the co-founder of a 200-people SEO Content Agency.

While we have a strict hiring process, a problem we kept seeing with many writers was them starting to use a lot of filler words, aka fluff, especially towards the end of longer articles.

Me and my partner are both also developers, and we got the idea to create Unfluff.io - a 100% free content optimization WordPress plugin and online tool that detects fluff sentences and filler content.

Coincidentally, it also ended up being useful in detecting a lot of AI-written content, especially when it hasn’t been later edited by a human.

After a couple months of obsessing over the fluff problem, and a lot of AI (which we ended up NOT using) and NLP problems to solve, we created what we think is a decent free plugin and online tool - at least for skimming through content and being somewhat helpful in the editing process.

There will be false positives, considering we are still working on improving the plugin and still can’t 100% agree over what “fluff” actually is even in our content agency (it’s been months)!

Because of this, the tool is best used to get the overall Unfluff Score of a piece in order to get a rough idea of the quality, as well skimming through content in order to find sentences that could be improved.

If the overall score is too low (under 40), we recommend fully redoing the piece rather than trying to improve individual sentences.

While we didn’t do the most research, we did analyze 2000 webpages over 100 keywords, and while we did find a correlation between Unfluff Score and Google ranks, we think that the tool would mostly help SEO indirectly, by helping metrics such as bounce rate.

Use your best judgment when editing with Unfluff - it’s not meant to replace a human editor or automatically grade content without further inspection.

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