Create Inclusive Customer Experiences: The Basics of Kiosk Accessibility

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.tpgi.com/webinar-august-17-at-12pm-et-create-inclusive-customer-experiences-the-basics-of-kiosk-accessibility/
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Create Inclusive Customer Experiences: The Basics of Kiosk Accessibility

Presented on August 17, 2022 at 12pm ET

Presenters: Laura Boniello Miller and Traci Murray, Kiosk Accessibility Experts
Creating inclusive and usable experiences does not only apply to your company website or application but also includes digital interfaces one may encounter at a restaurant, healthcare facility, airport, or movie theater, to name a few.

More organizations are adopting self-service kiosk technologies to improve their customers’ experience in areas such as self-check-in kiosks, self-service lockers, and escape rooms. However, as recent lawsuits suggest, many of these “out of the box” kiosks are not inclusive or usable by people with disabilities.

This webinar is focused on helping teams think about creating more accessible and inclusive customer experiences from website to in-person self-serve kiosk engagements.

Join Laura Boniello Miller & Traci Murray for this introduction to kiosk accessibility as they discuss the basics of what kiosk deployers should consider before launching their kiosks into the field.

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Create Inclusive Customer Experiences: The Basics of Kiosk Accessibility

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