Welcome | CodeRoad

 1 year ago
source link: https://coderoad.org/welcome
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Welcome to CodeRoad!

We're glad you visited us! Let me introduce you.

CodeRoad is platform dedicated to sharing and discovering web code snippets made with simple HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

It's like Instagram, just with code, which makes it more interactive than pure images and gives you the opportunity to practice coding. The added value of code opens so much possibilities and a brand new way for creativity, it has a great potential since you can absolutely customize your post, change it based on user interactions, even fetch dynamic content from external apis.

There is a fully mobile compatible built-in editor in which you can edit posts, like this one on the bottom, by clicking their title.

Apart from the editor, there is of course the basic social netwoking stuff, likes, follows, comments, even the new chat feature which leverages websockets.

It is also possible to download the app as a PWA for the easiest native experience. We also highly recommend turning on native notifications so you don't miss anything.

Furthermore, we newly introduced 'challenges' (fork, remake, collab), that bring some new functionalities and encourage users to participate in coding.

While there is not much content, if you like the idea, you can still use the site to publish your mini projects and experimentations, while sharing it with the community and helping us grow.

You can start by creating an account, then it's only your call! We will appreciate any contribution!

About Joyk

Aggregate valuable and interesting links.
Joyk means Joy of geeK