Provident Fund Data of 28 Crore Indians Leaked By Hackers, Claims Ukraine Based...

 1 year ago
source link: https://nextbigwhat.com/provident-fund-data-of-28-crore-indians-leaked-by-hackers-claims-ukraine-based-researcher/
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Provident Fund Data of 28 Crore Indians Leaked By Hackers, Claims Ukraine Based Researcher

  • August 10, 2022
  • Provident Fund data of about 28 crore Indians was found to have been leaked by hackers earlier this month.
  • According to Diachenko, he found two different internet protocol addresses hosting two clusters of leaked data.

“After quick review of the samples (using a simple browser), I was sure that I am looking at something big and important”, Diachenko said in his post. However, he was not able to find who owned the data. Both the IP addresses were hosted on Microsoft’s Azure platform and were India-based. He wasn’t able to obtain other information via a reverse DNS analysis.

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