The Nokia 110 4G (2022) is a cheap phone that does the basics, 8210 4G launches...

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.gsmarena.com/the_nokia_110_4g_2022_is_a_cheap_phone_that_does_the_basics_8210_4g_launches_in_india-news-55316.php
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The Nokia 110 4G (2022) is a cheap phone that does the basics, 8210 4G launches in India

Do you want a cheap phone that just makes phone calls, sends the occasional text and maybe lets you listen to some music and that you don’t need to charge daily? The new Nokia 110 4G (2022) may be just what you are looking for. This is the fourth phone to carry the “110” model number, but it is specifically a sequel to the 110 4G from last year (though design-wise it is more like the 110 from 2019).

The new 110 is made in India, for India. It will be available soon for ₹1,700 ($21.40/€21) in Cyan and Charcoal. The third colorway is Rose Gold, but this one is pricier at ₹1,800. The phone will come with a free headset valued at ₹300.

Nokia 110 4G (2022) in Cyan Nokia 110 4G (2022) in Black Nokia 110 4G (2022) in Rose Gold
Nokia 110 4G (2022) in Cyan, Black and the pricier Rose Gold

This is a dual-SIM phone with 4G connectivity, which is good since some carriers in India are planning to sunset their 2G and/or 3G networks (other countries have done it already). The phone also features automatic call recording.

For entertainment, there is a microSD slot that supports cards up to 32GB, enough for thousands of MP3s. And there is an FM radio receiver too, for news, sports and so on. Plus, the phone comes with new renditions of classic games such as Snake.

Nokia 110 4G (2022) Nokia 110 4G (2022) Nokia 110 4G (2022) Nokia 110 4G (2022) Nokia 110 4G (2022)
Nokia 110 4G (2022)

There is a camera on the back of the handset, though no one seems to know its resolution. It’s probably 0.3MP, but whatever the resolution it should do for a quick MMS to your friends.

The phone is powered by a 1,000mAh battery, which sounds small (it’s a small, light phone), but it is enough for a month of standby. There is also a built-in flashlight.

The Nokia 110 4G (2022) is a cheap phone that does the basics, 8210 4G launches in India

The Nokia 8210 4G, which was unveiled last month, is launching in India. For the first month it will be exclusive to Amazon and Nokia.com. The phone costs ₹4,000 ($50/€50) as it has improved looks and a relatively large 2.8” display compared to the 110. You can buy one today in Red or Dark Blue.

The Nokia 110 4G (2022) is a cheap phone that does the basics, 8210 4G launches in India

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