Microsoft Edge's new "Enhanced Security" feature now available to ever...

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.neowin.net/news/microsoft-edges-new-enhanced-security-feature-now-available-to-everyone/
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Microsoft Edge's new "Enhanced Security" feature now available to everyone

Microsoft Edge logo monochrome on dark background

Microsoft has released Edge version 104.0.1293.47 to the Stable Channel today. The most notable feature addition in this release is the new "Enhanced Security mode". The feature was formerly known as the Super Duper Secure mode and it came with two options, Balanced and Strict. However, Microsoft has now also added a new Basic option, which is also what the company recommends for most users. The new Basic option was missing even in the Beta release.

Edge Enhanced Security in Stable 1040129347 release

Here's how Microsoft says the enhanced security mode can protect users while browsing the internet.

What is enhanced security mode?

This runs your unfamiliar sites without the just in time (JIT) compilation to provide added protection. Running JIT-less reduces attack surface, making it difficult for malicious sites to exploit.

The additional protection includes Windows operating system mitigations such as Hardware Enforced Stack Protection, Arbitrary Code Guard (ACG), and Control Flow Guard (CFG).

The important feature updates in this release are given below:

Feature updates

  • Enhance your security on the web. Improvements to Enhance your security on the web in edge://settings/privacy now include Basic as the new default option. With this option, Microsoft Edge will apply added security protection to the less visited sites. This feature preserves the user experience for the most popular sites on the web. For more information, see Browse more safely with Microsoft Edge.
  • Import Chrome data without Chrome during First Run Experience. This feature lets a user bring in their Chrome data by logging in to their Google account during Microsoft Edge's First Run Experience. This feature can be turned off by disabling First Run Experience with the HideFirstRunExperience policy, or by setting AutoImportAtFirstRun to 'DisabledAutoImport'.

You can find the Policy Updates in this release among others on Microsoft's official site here.

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