implementing ShadowRealm in WebKit

 2 years ago
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implementing ShadowRealm in WebKit

March 28, 2022

Igalia has been working in collaboration with Salesforce on advancing the ShadowRealm proposal through the TC39 process, and part of that work is actually getting the feature implemented in the Javascript engines and their embedders (browsers, nodejs, deno, etc.)

Since joining the compilers group at Igalia, I’ve been working (with some wonderful peers) to advance the implementation of ShadowRealms in JavaScriptCore (the Javascript engine used by WebKit, hereafter, ‘JSC’) and also integrating this functionality with WebKit proper.

You can read about some of the work done so far in the blog post Hanging in the Shadow Realm with JavaScriptCore by Phillip Mates, who implemented ShadowRealm support in JSC.

what is a ShadowRealm, anyways?

To explain what a ShadowRealm is, let’s start by explaining what a realm is more broadly:

“Realm” is from the Javascript spec, and is used to describe part of the environment a script executes in. For instance, different windows, frames, iframes, workers, and more all get their own realm to run code in.

Each realm also comes with an associated “global object” this is where top-level identifiers are stored as properties. For example, on a typical webpage, your Javascript runs in a realm whose global object exposes window, Promise, Event, and more. (The global object is always accessible as the name globalThis )

The usual isolation between these is informed by the mother of all browser security design principles, the same-origin policy: briefly, resources loaded from one domain (“origin”) shouldn’t normally be able to access resources from another; in the context of realms, this usually means that code running in one realm shouldn’t be able to directly access the objects associated with code running in another.

ShadowRealms are a new sandboxing primitive being added to the Javascript language, which allow Javascript code to create new realms that have similar isolation properties; these script-created realms are unique and disconnected from other realms the browser (or other host, like, node or deno) creates.

Any realm may create a new ShadowRealm:

const r = new ShadowRealm();

It’s useful to have a name for a realm that does this, we’ll steal from the proposal and call such a realm the “incubating realm” of its respective shadow realm.

cross-realm boundary enforcement

Part of the design of ShadowRealms is to provide a level of isolation around a ShadowRealm similar to what is provided today between other realms in the browser, as required by the content security policy. That is, code in the incubating realm (and, by extension, all other realms) should not be able to affect the content of the global object of a ShadowRealm and vice versa; except by using the ShadowRealm object directly (by calling myShadowRealm.evaluate or myShadowRealm.importValue.)

This requires fairly careful scrutiny of what we allow to pass between a ShadowRealm and its incubating realm. For instance, we basically cannot allow objects to pass between them at all, since if you obtain an object o from another realm, you can play nasty tricks by abusing prototype objects to get the Function constructor from the other realm.

const o = /* obtained via magical means */

// we can play games to obtain the constructor from o's prototype, which is bad enough on its own ...
const P = Object.getPrototypeOf(o).constructor;
// we can get the constructor _of that constructor_ which will be Function, but from the wrong realm!
const Funktion = Object.getPrototypeOf(P).constructor;
// now we can do basically whatever we please to o's global object, since
// constructing a new Function with a string gives us a function with that source text.
const farawayGlobalObject = (new Funktion("return globalThis;"))();

farawayGlobalObject.Array.prototype.slice = /* insert evil here */;

Note that this game (getting at the Function constructor from the other realm via any prototype chain) works in either direction, too! (it can be used to access the ShadowRealm from the incubating as well as accessing the incubating realm from the ShadowRealm)

We want to prevent leaks of this nature, since they allow action-at-a-distance not controlled by the normal ShadowRealm interface. This is important if we want modifications to the global objects of either realm to be only performed by code deliberately loaded into that realm.

venturing into the WebCore weeds

As he describes in the post linked above, Phillip implemented ShadowRealms and the ShadowRealm interface in JSC, but we left a host hook1 in to handle module loads and to allow the host to customize the ShadowRealm global object:

ShadowRealmObject::create(VM& vm, Structure* structure, JSGlobalObject* globalObject) {
  ShadowRealmObject* object = /* ... */ ;
  /* ... */
    vm, object,
    // \__________________________________________/
    //       provided by the engine host
  /* ... */
  return object;

When using JSC alone, deriveShadowRealmGlobalObject does little more than make a plain old new JSC::JSGlobalObject for the ShadowRealm to use. However, on WebKit, we needed to make sure it could create a JSGlobalObject that could perform module loads for the web page, and is otherwise customized to WebKit’s requirements, and that’s what we’ll describe here.

detour: wrappers for free

Central to WebKit’s use of JSC is that certain objects associated with a webpage all get associated “wrapper objects”: these are instances of the type JSC::JSObject whose job it is to send Javascript calls to a method of the wrapper object to calls to the C++ method that implements the object.

For example, in WebCore, we have an Element class which is responsible for modelling an HTML element in your web page—however, it cannot be used directly by Javascript code: that interaction is controlled by its wrapper object, which is an instance of JSElement (which is a subclass, ultimately, of JSObject)

Most wrapper classes in WebKit are, in fact, generated! Most web standards specify what Javascript objects should be available using a special language just for this purpose called WebIDL (IDL = Interface description language). For example, the WebIDL for TextEncoder looks like:

] interface TextEncoder {

    readonly attribute DOMString encoding;

    [NewObject] Uint8Array encode(optional USVString input = "");
    TextEncoderEncodeIntoResult encodeInto(USVString source, [AllowShared] Uint8Array destination);

This is used during the WebKit build to produce the wrapper class, JSTextEncoder, which looks something like this: (though I am omitting a lot of boilerplate)

class JSTextEncoder : public JSDOMWrapper<TextEncoder> {
    using Base = JSDOMWrapper<TextEncoder>;
  /* snip */
    static TextEncoder* toWrapped(JSC::VM&, JSC::JSValue);
  /* snip */

Here, the class JSDOMWrapper<TextEncoder> provides the most basic possible kind of wrapper object: the wrapper holds a reference to a TextEncoder and generated code in JSTextCoder.cpp instructs the JS engine how to dispatch to it:

/* Hash table for prototype */

static const HashTableValue JSTextEncoderPrototypeTableValues[] = {
  { "constructor",
    { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsTextEncoderConstructor),
      (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(0) } },
  { "encoding",   /* snip */ },
  { "encode",     /* snip */ },
  { "encodeInto", /* snip */ },

JSC_DEFINE_CUSTOM_GETTER(jsTextEncoderConstructor, (JSGlobalObject* lexicalGlobalObject,
                                                    EncodedJSValue thisValue,
{ /* dispatch code goes here */ }

/* much more generated code goes here, using the above */

Usually, we don’t care much about the details here, that’s why the code is generated! The relevant information is typically that calling e.g. encoder.encode from Javascript should result to a call, in C++ to the encode method on TextEncoder.

There’s also a variety of attributes we can put on IDL declarations, some of which change the meaning of those declarations for instance, by specifying which kinds of realms they should be available in, and some others which affect WebKit-specific aspects of the declaration, notably, they give us more control over the code generation we just described.

ShadowRealm global objects

To make sure that ShadowRealms behave appropriately in WebKit, we need to make sure that we can create a JSGlobalObject that also cooperates with the wrapping machinery in WebCore; the typical way to do this is to make the wrapper object for the realm global object an instance of WebCore::JSDOMGlobalObject: this both provides functionality to ensure that the wrappers used in that realm can be tracked and also that they are distinct from wrappers used in other realms.

For ShadowRealms we need to make sure that our new ShadowRealm global object is wrapped as a subclass of JSDOMGlobalObject; we can do this pretty directly with WebKit IDL attributes:

] interface ShadowRealmGlobalScope {
    /* snip */

These have the meaning:

  • Exposed=ShadowRealm + LegacyNoInterfaceObject: these two together don’t make much difference: Exposed=ShadowRealm tells us that the interface should be available in ShadowRealms; LegacyNoInterfaceObject tells us that there shouldn’t actually be a globalThis.ShadowRealmGlobalScope available anywhere; so, there is, in fact, nothing really to expose… but, because this is the global object for ShadowRealms, any members on it will be available on globalThis.

  • JSLegacyParent=JSShadowRealmGlobalScopeBase tells WebKit’s code generation that the wrapper class for this interface should use our custom JSShadowRealmGlobalScopeBase (which we have yet to write) as the base class.

  • Global=ShadowRealm tells other people reading this IDL file that this interface is the global object for ShadowRealms.

Now we just need two more things: the implementation of the unwrapped ShadowRealmGlobalScope, and the implementation of our wrapper class, JSShadowRealmGlobalScopeBase

the unwrapped global scope

We can start with the unwrapped, global object, since it ends up being simpler: the main thing we need from a ShadowRealm global object is just to be able to find our way back to the incubating realm—it turns out a convenient way to do this is to just make a new type and have it keep its incubating realm around:

class ShadowRealmGlobalScope : public RefCounted<ShadowRealmGlobalScope> {
  /* ... snip  ... */
  // a (weak) pointer to the JSDOMGlobalObject that created this ShadowRealm
  JSC::Weak<JSDOMGlobalObject> m_incubatingWrapper;

  // the module loader from our incubating realm
  ScriptModuleLoader* m_parentLoader { nullptr };

  // a pointer to the JSDOMGlobalObject that wraps this realm (it's unique!)
  JSC::Weak<JSShadowRealmGlobalScopeBase> m_wrapper;

  // a separate module loader for this realm to use
  std::unique_ptr<ScriptModuleLoader> m_moduleLoader;

Asute readers will note that the ShadowRealmGlobalScope does not, in fact, keep its parent realm around; this is because it is retained by the ShadowRealmObject from above! Having the ShadowRealm global scope retain its incubating realm would form a loop of retaining pointers and therefore leak memory! Since these are WTF::RefCounted<...>, there’s no garbage collector to help, out either; we really need to avoid the reference cycle.

We can, however, get away with a weak pointer since if the incubating global object became unreachable, there would be no way to get back into the shadow realm except code running in the incubating realm or its event loop, neither of which should be possible, so, the weak pointer will always be valid when we need it.

the wrapper global object

Let’s go ahead and add the wrapper class now:

class JSShadowRealmGlobalScopeBase : public JSDOMGlobalObject { /* snip */ }

… and, since we get to pick our base class, we can pick JSDOMGlobalObject instead of JSObject, how convenient! This has the effect of implicitly making other parts of the engine treat our new global object as a separate realm that requires its own wrapper objects. This doesn’t come for free, though, we have several virtual methods on JSDOMGlobalObject we are obliged to implement. Thankfully, we have another JSDOMGlobalObject around we can happily delegate to! For example:

// a shared utility to retrieve the incubating realm's global object
const JSDOMGlobalObject* JSShadowRealmGlobalScopeBase::incubatingRealm() const
  auto incubatingWrapper = m_wrapped->m_incubatingWrapper.get();
  return incubatingWrapper;

// discharge one of our obligations by delegating to `incubatingRealm()`
// (this method is static; we get `this` as JSGlobalObject*, annoyingly, but
// the downcast should always succeed)
bool JSShadowRealmGlobalScopeBase::supportsRichSourceInfo(const JSGlobalObject* object)
  auto incubating = jsCast<const JSShadowRealmGlobalScopeBase*>(object)->incubatingRealm();
  return incubating->globalObjectMethodTable()->supportsRichSourceInfo(incubating);

Finally we need only to add branches in some (admittedly awkward2) parts of JSDOMGlobalObject for our new ShadowRealm global object, for example:

static ScriptModuleLoader* scriptModuleLoader(JSDOMGlobalObject* globalObject)
  /* snip */
  if (globalObject->inherits<JSShadowRealmGlobalScopeBase>(vm))
    return &jsCast<const JSShadowRealmGlobalScopeBase*>(globalObject)->wrapped().moduleLoader();
  /* snip */

the grand finale … almost

Now we can actually implement deriveShadowRealmGlobalObject, right? Well, not quite. It turns out <iframe> acts rather differently when the page it contains has the same origin as the parent page—in that case, their global objects are actually reachable from one another! (This came as an unpleasant surprise to me at the time …)

This won’t do for us—it breaks the invariant we described above. There’s nothing to prevent a child <iframe> from creating a new ShadowRealm and allowing it to escape to the parent frame; then the ShadowRealm can outlive its incubating realm’s global object :(

We can solve the problem by actually walking up the hierarchy of frames until we either hit the top or find one with a different origin, and use the top-most global object with the same origin, which re-establishes our invariant, since there now really should be no way for the ShadowRealm object to escape :)

JSC::JSGlobalObject* JSDOMGlobalObject::deriveShadowRealmGlobalObject(JSC::JSGlobalObject* globalObject)
  auto& vm = globalObject->vm();

  auto domGlobalObject = jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject);
  auto context = domGlobalObject->scriptExecutionContext();
  if (is<Document>(context)) {
    // Same-origin iframes present a difficult circumstance because the
    // ShadowRealm global object cannot retain the incubating realm's
    // global object (that would be a refcount loop); but, same-origin
    // iframes can create objects that outlive their global object.
    // Our solution is to walk up the parent tree of documents as far as
    // possible while still staying in the same origin to insure we don't
    // allow the ShadowRealm to fetch modules masquerading as the wrong
    // origin while avoiding any lifetime issues (since the topmost document
    // with a given wrapper world should outlive other objects in that
    // world)
    auto document = &downcast<Document>(*context);
    auto const& originalOrigin = document->securityOrigin();
    auto& originalWorld = domGlobalObject->world();

    while (!document->isTopDocument()) {
      auto candidateDocument = document->parentDocument();

      if (!candidateDocument->securityOrigin().isSameOriginDomain(originalOrigin))

      document = candidateDocument;
      domGlobalObject = candidateDocument->frame()->script().globalObject(originalWorld);
  /* snip */
  auto scope = ShadowRealmGlobalScope::create(domGlobalObject, scriptModuleLoader(domGlobalObject));
  /* snip */

a brief note on debugging

Of course, none of the above went as smoothly as I make it sound; I ended up encountering many crashes and inscrutable error messages as I fumbled my way around WebKit internals. After printf debugging, A classic technique to interactively explore program state when in unfamiliar territory is the iconic ASSERT(false)—WebKit even provides a marginally more convenient macro for this purpose, CRASH(), which proved invaluable.

Simply run your test case in a debugger and set a breakpoint on WTFCrash and you will have a convenient gdb prompt; I find it to be a fun, slightly more powerful flavor of printf-debugging :)

the road ahead

Now, we have a working ShadowRealm available in the browser!

If you’re interested to try them out for yourself, you can find them in the latest Safari Technology Preview release!

However this is only part of the work for this project, because it is also planned to add certain Web interfaces to ShadowRealm contexts, and more testing coverage is needed.

exposing web interfaces

Since ShadowRealms are actually part of the Javascript standard and not a Web standard, so, we need to be careful about this work; ShadowRealms are supposed to be a sandbox, so it wouldn’t do much good if scripts you load into a shadow realm start mucking around with the markup on your web site!

So the interfaces that are planned to be exposed are strictly those that expose some extra computational facility to Javascript, but do not really have an effect outside of the script where they are invoked. For example, TextEncoder is quite likely to be exposed, Document is not.

A patch adding several of these APIs to ShadowRealm contexts is already landed, but probably won’t appear in Safari until after ShadowRealms do.

never enough testing

ShadowRealms are already unit tested in both the existing WebKit implementation and in test262, the test suite accompanying the Javascript standard, however, more tests are needed in WPT, the web test suite, for the correctness of the module loading support and newly exposed interfaces; some work here is underway and should be finished in the coming few weeks.


  1. “host” here refers to whatever piece of software is running Javascript with JSC—usually the host is a web browser, but it doesn’t have to be. For our purposes, “host hook” is a function that the Javascript engine cannot provide—it requires the host to cooperate in some way.↩︎

  2. The awkwardness here is that scriptModuleLoader is not actually part of the interface of JSDOMGlobalObject, but probably should be; however, we have now arrived at the delicate argument over whether or not patches like this should minimize the changes or clean up ugliness everywhere they find it: you can even see this in the code review of this patch if you look closely.↩︎

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