[Guide][A8-12] Banking Apps while being rooted

 1 year ago
source link: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/guide-a8-12-banking-apps-while-being-rooted.4294761/#post-87234855
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Hide Root from Apps e.g. Banking Apps

NOTICE (20.07.22): Just updated Guide to latest Method ​

Info: I'm sharing my take on how to get S-Pushtan Banking App to work with Magisk, or any other App of your Choice. (Greatly inspired by searching on the internet)

Works for:​

- Android 8-12

List of apps known to work:​

- S-Pushtan, Sparkasse, Sundhedskortet, Keytrade Ban

What you need:

- Magisk 25.1
- DenylistUnmount Magisk Module | Download on Github
- Universal Safetynet Fix Magisk Module | Download on Github
- MagiskHidePropsConfig | Download on Github
- Lsposed Zygisk Release | Download on Github
- XPrivacyLua | Download | Forum Thread
- Airfrozen App v1.2.8 | Download on Github
- Yasnac (Safetynet Checker) | Google Play

- optional: Fox Magisk Module Manager | Download on Github
(Can be used to manage your modules while Magisk Manager is disabled -> convenient)


- Have Magisk 25.1 installed

Step by Step Guide:​

0. Install Magisk via Recovery and reboot

1. Go into settings of your Magisk Manager and enable "Hide Magisk Manager" and "Zygisk", then in "Configure DenyList"

- Select your banking apps (any app you want hide root from)
(Make sure that for every App, all processes are also choosen. If you did everything correctly the colored bar should be full)

1.1.1 Disable "Enforce DenyList"

1.2 Install DenyListUnmount, Universal Safetynet Fix, Lsposed Zygisk, XPrivacyLua via Magisk Manager and Reboot to activate the modules, if LsPosed asks to create a shortcut, allow it. Open it and activate xprivacylua. Reboot again.

1.2.1 Check that your Safetynet Status Pass both times via Yasnac App

- If you don't pass the Check, install the MagiskHidePropsConfig Module via Magisk Manager and Reboot to activate the module

- Configure your fingerprint to your phones or a Google Pixel's and reboot again -> do Step 1.2.1

2. Install Airfrozen and Fox Magisk Module Manager (grant root permission)

2.1 in Airfrozen: Select your renamed Magisk App and your Banking App

2.1.1 In Airfrozen: Settings->General->Auto freeze
Enable "Freeze on exit" and "Not Freeze foreground"; Set Freeze on locked to 1 minute;

2.1.2 Optional: If you want a open (also unfreeze) your Magisk Manager/ Banking while they are disabled to use them; longpress the apps in airfrozen und create a shortcut for easy use

2.2 Setup your Banking Apps now while the MagiskManager is disabled and undetectable

3. LSPosed Configuration: Enable XPrivacyLua Module and add every app that you want to restict via XPrivacyLua's functions and reboot

4. Done!


- Magisk installed and Zygisk enabled, App is hidden
- Your Banking App is selected in Airfrozen and XPrivacyLua, and MagiskManagers Denylist
- Your Magisk App is selected in Airfrozen
- Remember the usage rules(below)


1. Always freeze the Magisk App before using your banking App! Vice-Versa
2. In the case that it does get detected -> Force Close your Banking App and clear the cache.

This Method should work with most Apps right now that are detecting root
It's a trial and error situation so try your best, also give some feedback for others as to which apps work and which won't.

I hope this will help some people out there.
Stay healthy!
Last edited: Jul 23, 2022

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