Samsung to Use Qualcomm Chips on All Galaxy S23 Models Sold Worldwide

 1 year ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/samsung-to-use-qualcomm-chips-on-all-galaxy-s23-models-sold-worldwide-535840.shtml
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So is the Exynos variant getting the ax?

   Samsung Galaxy S22

The performance difference between Exynos and Snapdragon has often caused a major dispute and much criticism for Samsung, especially as the availability of Galaxy phones powered by Qualcomm’s chips has been very limited.

For example, if you want to buy a Snapdragon-powered Galaxy S22, you can’t do this unless you live in the United States and a series of few other countries.

The rest of the world is getting the Exynos sibling, and given the performance drop, it’s easy to see why so many customers end up being disappointed.

But according to Qualcomm CEO Cristiano Amon, the Snapdragon chip will make its way to all Galaxy S models sold across the world beginning with the S23. In other words, the Snapdragon-powered Galaxy S phones will be available everywhere across the world.

Samsung tight-lipped on the change so far

Amon confirmed the change in the company’s latest earnings call, hinting that the Snapdragon chip would make its way to more Samsung phones as well.

“The way you should think about it is Snapdragon will power their Galaxy product line, their Galaxy flagship products. And what I can say at this point is we were 75% on Galaxy S22 before the agreement (sic). You should be thinking about we’re going to be much better than that on Galaxy S23 and beyond. It’s a multi-year agreement. And that’s probably what I can tell you. You should think about us powering their devices globally,” he reportedly said.

Now the big question is what’s going to happen with the Exynos chip. While Samsung has remained completely tight-lipped on this change, it’ll be interesting to see if the company gives up on the Exynos on the Galaxy S lineup entirely or the chip will still be offered side-by-side with the Qualcomm alternative all over the world.

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