Make new friends with your old friends

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/link-6
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Make new friends with your old friendsHey 👋 Product Hunters!

I am building LINK with @alex_ulm, @dayton_hedges, and @ckloi.

The idea behind LINK dates back to a pre-COVID ski trip that our co-founders Alex and Dayton went on. After a long day of hitting the slopes, they wanted to have a fun night out and meet new people in Colorado together. But they quickly ran into a problem…

Why were all of the “social” apps available either for dating or individual-oriented?

After realizing many friends shared a similar experience, the LINK team came together in 2021 to create a new social app - a platform to make new friends with your old friends (and without the pressure of hookup culture!)

So how does LINK work?

*Customize your individual profile with personal interests (we call them “Moves”), a witty bio, and your favorite socials 💃

*Invite friends to make a Group (a group profile) and link new people together with your old friends. Don’t worry - you can have as many Groups as you want 👫

*Discover events personalized to your interests with Night Out and Ticketmaster APIs (as well as some exclusive parties, concerts, and discounts!) 👀

We launched on App Store yesterday after filling our beta with 10K users, and we’re very excited get as much feedback as possible about the product. Happy to answer all questions here!

P.S. We're also giving away a few free hats to those who give the most detailed feedback on the product! 🧢

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Joyk means Joy of geeK