基因组质量评估:(五)mapping法:6. 用软件bamdst统计BAM文件

 2 years ago
source link: https://yanzhongsino.github.io/2022/07/31/omics_genome_quality.assessment_mapping_bamdst/
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1. bamdst简介

bamdst(https://github.com/shiquan/bamdst)是一个统计bam文件目标区域深度和覆盖度的工具,统计数据全面,包括coverage,depth,mapping rate。

2. 下载安装

git clone https://github.com/shiquan/bamdst.git
cd bamdst
./bamdst -h

3.1. 输入文件

  1. sample.bed
  • sample.bed文件包含分析的位置,共有三列,tab分隔。包括染色体名称,起始位置,终止位置。
  • 如果计算基因组全部数据,则包含基因组所有染色体的位置。建议用genome.fa.fai索引文件转化生成cat genome.fa.fai |awk '{print $1"\t1\t"$2}' > sample.bed
  1. sample.bam
  • sample.bam文件需要已排序(samtools sort可实现)

3.2. 运行

bamdst -p sample.bed sample.bam -o ./

  • -p sample.bed:指定bed文件
  • -o ./ :输出目录

3.3. 结果

  1. coverage.report
  • 总结的统计信息,包括reads的mapping rate,genome coverage,average depth等数据。示例:
## The file was created by bamdst
## Version : 1.0.9
## Files : ./sample.bam
[Total] Raw Reads (All reads) 86430326
[Total] QC Fail reads 0
[Total] Raw Data(Mb) 10773.87
[Total] Paired Reads 86430326
[Total] Mapped Reads 84639699
[Total] Fraction of Mapped Reads 97.93% # mapping rate
[Total] Mapped Data(Mb) 10550.19
[Total] Fraction of Mapped Data(Mb) 97.92%
[Total] Properly paired 82169742
[Total] Fraction of Properly paired 95.07%
[Total] Read and mate paired 84430784
[Total] Fraction of Read and mate paired 97.69%
[Total] Singletons 208915
[Total] Read and mate map to diff chr 1568692
[Total] Read1 43215163
[Total] Read2 43215163
[Total] Read1(rmdup) 42319713
[Total] Read2(rmdup) 42319986
[Total] forward strand reads 42323338
[Total] backward strand reads 42316361
[Total] PCR duplicate reads 0
[Total] Fraction of PCR duplicate reads 0.00%
[Total] Map quality cutoff value 20
[Total] MapQuality above cutoff reads 76685486
[Total] Fraction of MapQ reads in all reads 88.73%
[Total] Fraction of MapQ reads in mapped reads 90.60%
[Target] Target Reads 84639699
[Target] Fraction of Target Reads in all reads 97.93%
[Target] Fraction of Target Reads in mapped reads 100.00%
[Target] Target Data(Mb) 10457.94
[Target] Target Data Rmdup(Mb) 9505.01
[Target] Fraction of Target Data in all data 97.07%
[Target] Fraction of Target Data in mapped data 99.13%
[Target] Len of region 256218203
[Target] Average depth 40.82 # average depth
[Target] Average depth(rmdup) 37.10
[Target] Coverage (>0x) 99.58% # genome coverage
[Target] Coverage (>=4x) 99.12%
[Target] Coverage (>=10x) 97.41%
[Target] Coverage (>=30x) 68.46%
[Target] Coverage (>=100x) 0.83%
[Target] Target Region Count 266
[Target] Region covered > 0x 261
[Target] Fraction Region covered > 0x 98.12%
[Target] Fraction Region covered >= 4x 97.74%
[Target] Fraction Region covered >= 10x 94.36%
[Target] Fraction Region covered >= 30x 53.01%
[Target] Fraction Region covered >= 100x 12.78%
[flank] flank size 200
[flank] Len of region (not include target region) 256271403
[flank] Average depth 40.79
[flank] flank Reads 84639699
[flank] Fraction of flank Reads in all reads 97.93%
[flank] Fraction of flank Reads in mapped reads 100.00%
[flank] flank Data(Mb) 10452.76
[flank] Fraction of flank Data in all data 97.02%
[flank] Fraction of flank Data in mapped data 99.08%
[flank] Coverage (>0x) 99.54%
[flank] Coverage (>=4x) 99.08%
[flank] Coverage (>=10x) 97.36%
[flank] Coverage (>=30x) 68.41%
[flank] Coverage (>=100x) 0.83%
  • 每个值具体的解释:
 [Total] Raw Reads (All reads) // All reads in the bam file(s).
[Total] QC Fail reads // Reads number failed QC, this flag is marked by other software,like bwa. See flag in the bam structure.
[Total] Raw Data(Mb) // Total reads data in the bam file(s).
[Total] Paired Reads // Paired reads numbers.
[Total] Mapped Reads // Mapped reads numbers.
[Total] Fraction of Mapped Reads // Ratio of mapped reads against raw reads.
[Total] Mapped Data(Mb) // Mapped data in the bam file(s).
[Total] Fraction of Mapped Data(Mb) // Ratio of mapped data against raw data.
[Total] Properly paired // Paired reads with properly insert size. See bam format protocol for details.
[Total] Fraction of Properly paired // Ratio of properly paired reads against mapped reads
[Total] Read and mate paired // Read (read1) and mate read (read2) paired.
[Total] Fraction of Read and mate paired // Ratio of read and mate paired against mapped reads
[Total] Singletons // Read mapped but mate read unmapped, and vice versa.
[Total] Read and mate map to diff chr // Read and mate read mapped to different chromosome, usually because mapping error and structure variants.
[Total] Read1 // First reads in mate paired sequencing
[Total] Read2 // Mate reads
[Total] Read1(rmdup) // First reads after remove duplications.
[Total] Read2(rmdup) // Mate reads after remove duplications.
[Total] forward strand reads // Number of forward strand reads.
[Total] backward strand reads // Number of backward strand reads.
[Total] PCR duplicate reads // PCR duplications.
[Total] Fraction of PCR duplicate reads // Ratio of PCR duplications.
[Total] Map quality cutoff value // Cutoff map quality score, this value can be set by -q. default is 20, because some variants caller like GATK only consider high quality reads.
[Total] MapQuality above cutoff reads // Number of reads with higher or equal quality score than cutoff value.
[Total] Fraction of MapQ reads in all reads // Ratio of reads with higher or equal Q score against raw reads.
[Total] Fraction of MapQ reads in mapped reads // Ratio of reads with higher or equal Q score against mapped reads.
[Target] Target Reads // Number of reads covered target region (specified by bed file).
[Target] Fraction of Target Reads in all reads // Ratio of target reads against raw reads.
[Target] Fraction of Target Reads in mapped reads // Ratio of target reads against mapped reads.
[Target] Target Data(Mb) // Total bases covered target region. If a read covered target region partly, only the covered bases will be counted.
[Target] Target Data Rmdup(Mb) // Total bases covered target region after remove PCR duplications.
[Target] Fraction of Target Data in all data // Ratio of target bases against raw bases.
[Target] Fraction of Target Data in mapped data // Ratio of target bases against mapped bases.
[Target] Len of region // The length of target regions.
[Target] Average depth // Average depth of target regions. Calculated by "target bases / length of regions".
[Target] Average depth(rmdup) // Average depth of target regions after remove PCR duplications.
[Target] Coverage (>0x) // Ratio of bases with depth greater than 0x in target regions, which also means the ratio of covered regions in target regions.
[Target] Coverage (>=4x) // Ratio of bases with depth greater than or equal to 4x in target regions.
[Target] Coverage (>=10x) // Ratio of bases with depth greater than or equal to 10x in target regions.
[Target] Coverage (>=30x) // Ratio of bases with depth greater than or equal to 30x in target regions.
[Target] Coverage (>=100x) // Ratio of bases with depth greater than or equal to 100x in target regions.
[Target] Coverage (>=Nx) // This is addtional line for user self-defined cutoff value, see --cutoffdepth
[Target] Target Region Count // Number of target regions. In normal practise,it is the total number of exomes.
[Target] Region covered > 0x // The number of these regions with average depth greater than 0x.
[Target] Fraction Region covered > 0x // Ratio of these regions with average depth greater than 0x.
[Target] Fraction Region covered >= 4x // Ratio of these regions with average depth greater than or equal to 4x.
[Target] Fraction Region covered >= 10x // Ratio of these regions with average depth greater than or equal to 10x.
[Target] Fraction Region covered >= 30x // Ratio of these regions with average depth greater than or equal to 30x.
[Target] Fraction Region covered >= 100x // Ratio of these regions with average depth greater than or equal to 100x.
[flank] flank size // The flank size will be count. 200 bp in default. Oligos could also capture the nearby regions of target regions.
[flank] Len of region (not include target region) // The length of flank regions (target regions will not be count).
[flank] Average depth // Average depth of flank regions.
[flank] flank Reads // The total number of reads covered the flank regions. Note: some reads covered the edge of target regions, will be count in flank regions also.
[flank] Fraction of flank Reads in all reads // Ratio of reads covered in flank regions against raw reads.
[flank] Fraction of flank Reads in mapped reads // Ration of reads covered in flank regions against mapped reads.
[flank] flank Data(Mb) // Total bases in the flank regions.
[flank] Fraction of flank Data in all data // Ratio of total bases in the flank regions against raw data.
[flank] Fraction of flank Data in mapped data // Ratio of total bases in the flank regions against mapped data.
[flank] Coverage (>0x) // Ratio of flank bases with depth greater than 0x.
[flank] Coverage (>=4x) // Ratio of flank bases with depth greater than or equal to 4x.
[flank] Coverage (>=10x) // Ratio of flank bases with depth greater than or equal to 10x.
[flank] Coverage (>=30x) // Ratio of flank bases with depth greater than or equal to 30x.
  1. chromosomes.report
  • 每条染色体的depth和coverage信息,示例:
#Chromosome	   DATA(%)	 Avg depth	    Median	 Coverage%	  Cov 4x %	 Cov 10x %	 Cov 30x %	Cov 100x %
MCscaf061 0.00 42.69 41.0 100.00 100.00 99.30 86.09 0.00
MCscaf062 0.02 66.31 37.0 100.0099.85 99.26 71.85 0.40
  1. insertsize.plot
  • 推断的insert size分布。示例:
0	0	0.000000	41302164	1.000000
1 0 0.000000 41302164 1.000000
2 169 0.000004 41301995 0.999996
3 154 0.000004 41301841 0.999992
4 179 0.000004 41301662 0.999988
5 220 0.000005 41301442 0.999982
  1. uncover.bed
  • 文件包含sample.bam在sample.bed上bad covered或uncovered region的区域。示例:
MCscaf062	3308	3324
MCscaf062 13172 13219
MCscaf063 1966 1988
MCscaf064 154 177
MCscaf065 4380 4388
MCscaf065 15265 15278
MCscaf065 49992 50000
  1. depth_distribution.plot
0	1080969	0.004219	255137234	0.995781
1 375560 0.001466 254761674 0.994315
2 376656 0.001470 254385018 0.992845
3 420120 0.001640 253964898 0.991206
4 471142 0.001839 253493756 0.989367
5 548760 0.002142 252944996 0.987225
  1. depth.tsv.gz


  • raw depth:没有过滤的从bam文件直接提取的深度。coverage.report文件是用raw depth统计得到的。
  • rmdup depth:过滤掉duplicated reads,secondary alignment reads,low map quality reads(mapQ<20)后计算的depth。开发者说类似samtools depth的结果,但应该是raw depth类似samtools depth,rmdup depth类似samtools mpileup才更准确。如果想用rmdup depth统计coverage.report,运行时加上参数“–use_rmdup”。
  • coverage depth:考虑deletion区域的raw depth,所以值会大于或等于raw depth的值。
  1. region.tsv.gz
  • 文件包含输入的sample.bed的每个区域的average depth,median depth,coverage。

4. references

  1. https://github.com/shiquan/bamdst

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