Thank you for using FusionTasks, will archive in late 2022. · Issue #14 · kekyo/...

 1 year ago
source link: https://github.com/kekyo/FSharp.Control.FusionTasks/issues/14
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kekyo commented 4 days ago

Thanks to the many users who have tried this library.

As you know, when F# was updated to 6.0, it supported a generic awaitable computation expression using SRTP.
While we considered continuing to support it when the specification was not yet finalized, the new solution is generic enough that it no longer requires FusionTasks.

Originally, this library was implemented because F# uses Async and C# uses Task separately, which made it (somewhat) inconvenient to use the OSS libraries. This was a good experience that helped me to understand the concept of `asynchronous' in an abstract way, and thus the abstract concept of functional programming as a whole.

The FusionTasks NuGet package continues to be applicable and can probably be used in future versions of F#, as F# will probably maintain backward compatibility. It is one of my most cherished projects, and I am sad to see it end, but I will finish it properly.

I plan to archive it during 2022, around the end of the year.

Thank you for all again.

adelarsq, ForNeVeR, baronfel, ThisFunctionalTom, dsyme, alfonsogarciacaro, rtkelly13, xperiandri, rungwiroon, heronbpv, and 6 more reacted with heart emoji All reactions

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