2D Reflection in Computer Graphics

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/videos/2d-reflection-in-computer-graphics/
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2D Reflection in Computer Graphics

2D Reflection in Computer Graphics
  • 29/07/2022

In this video, we will be discussing one of the 2D Transformation in computer graphics. 
2D transformation apply on 2D dimensional plane. 

The different types of transformations that are used in computer graphics are:
Translation, Scaling, Rotation, Shearing, Reflection.

Reflection: 2D reflection evaluates the mirror image of an object in 2D plane. 

Reflection can be done:
Along X-axis, Along Y-axis, About x=y line, and Along origin.

Along X-axis: Consider a point P(x, y) on x-y plane then P’(x’, y’) is the reflection about x-axis is given as
x’=x and
Along Y-axis: Consider a point P(x, y) on x-y plane then P’(x’, y’) is the reflection about y-axis is given as
x’= -x and
About x=y line: Consider a point P(x, y) on x-y plane then P’(x’, y’) is the reflection about x=y line given as
x’=y ;
Along origin: Consider a point P(x, y) on x-y plane then P’(x’, y’) is the reflection about origin is given as
x’= -x and

2D Reflection in Computer Graphics:

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