Microsoft FOSS Fund Winner: curl

 1 year ago
source link: https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2022/07/22/microsoft-foss-fund-winner-curl/
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Microsoft FOSS Fund Winner: curl


Hi Daniel,

My name is Emma Irwin, and I am a program manager at Microsoft, specifically working in the open source program’s office (OSPO). One of the programs I lead is the FOSS fund.

This may sound a bit odd, but normally I send an email notice to project winners, yet someone pointed out that I have missed notifying curl of their won (and I could not find any history of reaching out). As a result, I offer my sincere apologies now! – I will happily provide notice now, although the payments themselves have already started!

The Free and Open Source Software Fund (FOSS Fund) is a way for our employees to collectively select open source projects to receive $10,000 sponsorship awards throughout the year.

Microsoft’s engineers select projects they are super passionate about. Only employees who contribute to open source projects can participate in the selection process.

curl was selected in January for $10, 000.00 provided one month, for ten months through GitHub Sponsors.

Thanks very much and congratulations!

-Emma Irwin

Emma Irwin (she/her)
Senior Program Manager
Open Source Programs Office

cURL and libcurl

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