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 1 year ago
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We organize a range of different types of sessions. Participants can access a wide range of content in formats designed to provide the best learning opportunities.

Informal sessions of one hour, where like minded people get together and discuss technology.


Tech sessions of 50 minutes on a range of different technologies, practices and methodologies.


Inspiring and thought provoking keynotes of 20 minutes.

Hands-on Lab

2 hours hands-on sessions where you delve into a specific technology or methodology under expert guidance.


15 minutes sessions designed for speakers to give a quick fire view of a particular subject. A valid conference or combi ticket is required.


25 minutes sessions focused on demonstrating tools, technical tools or solutions.

Deep Dive

2 hours sessions where attendees can rapidly immerse themselves in a subject matter with an in-depth examination of a topic or technology.

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Joyk means Joy of geeK