Never miss out on posts from friends and family with Facebook's Feeds tab

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.neowin.net/news/never-miss-out-on-posts-from-friends-and-family-with-facebooks-feeds-tab/
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Never miss out on posts from friends and family with Facebook's Feeds tab

Facebook Logo

Facebook, also known as Meta, is now rolling out a new feature called the ‘Feeds’ tab. Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta, announced today that the feature would allow users to scroll through social media posts from friends and family. He stated,

One of the most requested features for Facebook is to make sure people don't miss friends' posts. So today we're launching a Feeds tab where you can see posts from your friends, groups, Pages and more separately in chronological order. The app will still open to a personalized feed on the Home tab, where our discovery engine will recommend the content we think you'll care most about. But the Feeds tab will give you a way to customize and control your experience further.

The content on the Feeds tab will be in chronological order and display posts from friends, family, groups, and pages the users follow. The new feature resembles the old Facebook as users see customized content and will be accessible as a tab on the shortcut bar. Android users will see this bar at the top, whereas iOS users will see it at the bottom, as USAToday reports. Thus, users can benefit from content unaffected by Facebook’s algorithm.

Screenshot showing Feed and Home tabs on Facebook

Zuckerberg also reminded users that they can still access recommended content by Facebook’s discovery engine through the Home tab. The feature is rolling out today; however, users will gradually be able to access it over time.

Apart from features for Facebook, Meta also updated Instagram as well. Earlier this year, it added the ‘Favorites’ and ‘Following’ features, allowing people to categorize the content they prefer, such as posts from friends or their favorite creators. It is again chronologically ordered, similar to the new feature Facebook is getting.

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