Apple Releases HomePod 15.6 Software With Siri Voice Recognition in Additional L...

 1 year ago
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Apple Releases HomePod 15.6 Software With Siri Voice Recognition in Additional Languages


macrumors bot

Original poster

Apr 12, 2001 57,159 20,032
Alongside iOS 15.6, iPadOS 15.6, macOS Monterey 12.5, and tvOS 15.6, Apple today released a new 15.6 update for the HomePod and the HomePod mini. The HomePod 15.6 update is the sixth major HomePod software update since version 15 was released, and it comes around two months after the launch of HomePod software 15.5.
Apple's release notes say HomePod software version 15.6 adds Siri voice recognition support in Mandarin, Cantonese, and Japanese. The update also includes performance and stability improvements.
Software version 15.6 adds Siri voice recognition support in Mandarin Chinese (China mainland, Taiwan), Cantonese (China mainland, Hong Kong), and Japanese (Japan). This update also includes performance and stability improvements.
‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌HomePod‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌ software is installed automatically on the ‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌HomePod‌‌‌‌‌ unless the feature is disabled‌‌‌‌, but the ‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌HomePod‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌ can also be manually updated in the Home app by following the instructions in our HomePod‌‌ update how to.

Article Link: Apple Releases HomePod 15.6 Software With Siri Voice Recognition in Additional Languages


macrumors 6502a
Oct 18, 2018 2,596 The Netherlands
Siri has really been keeping up with her daily DuoLingo classes!

PBG4 Dude

macrumors 68040
Jul 6, 2007 3,928 3,933
Siri has really been keeping up with her daily DuoLingo classes!
Yeah, now Siri can misunderstand your request in 3 new languages!


macrumors 65816
Jan 31, 2002 1,017 Germany
Geez, I am looking forward to every update only to be let down again.

I am *this close* to throw those HomePods out. Siri constantly misunderstands things or fails to register commands, sometimes it's playing back in "all rooms" but the volume buttons don't light up and then the system is always confused which song is playing where.

Also, the iPhone sometimes shows the controls for the song that I started via voice command, and sometimes it doesn't. Maddening.

I'd rather sometimes rather have DUMB wireless speakers!


macrumors 6502
Aug 13, 2016
But Taiwan is not china mainland, I don’t get it


macrumors regular
Aug 29, 2017
I wonder if this includes thread 1.3 for the mini.
Reactions: _Spinn_


macrumors newbie
Dec 6, 2021 Banderas Bay, Mexico
I’m in a dual language household & really wish my HomePods (Siri) could communicate in two languages simultaneously like my Amazon Echo can.
Last edited: Today at 11:27 AM


macrumors 68020
Nov 6, 2020 2,368 5,774 Wisconsin
I wonder if this includes thread 1.3 for the mini.
Good question. If not this update then I would assume 16.0 would.


macrumors member
Sep 13, 2016 California
I currently have several home pods and homepod mini's. While I really like the sound of the devices, the software for them has been my most disappointing experience with Apple products to date.


macrumors member
Sep 13, 2016 California
Geez, I am looking forward to every update only to be let down again.

I am *this close* to throw those HomePods out. Siri constantly misunderstands things or fails to register commands, sometimes it's playing back in "all rooms" but the volume buttons don't light up and then the system is always confused which song is playing where.

Also, the iPhone sometimes shows the controls for the song that I started via voice command, and sometimes it doesn't. Maddening.

I'd rather sometimes rather have DUMB wireless speakers!
I have been really frustrated when trying to play Apple Music through more than one of my Homepods at a time. The Homepods don't synchronize very well. I wish there was a master command to clear all music playing throughout your different devices, but I haven't found a way to do that.


macrumors 6502
Dec 25, 2007
I have been really frustrated when trying to play Apple Music through more than one of my Homepods at a time. The Homepods don't synchronize very well. I wish there was a master command to clear all music playing throughout your different devices, but I haven't found a way to do that.
I have three Minis and two AppleTVs and I dont seem to have any syncing issues. Is this more of an issue with the full size Homepods?


macrumors 6502
Sep 9, 2011
Geez, I am looking forward to every update only to be let down again.

I am *this close* to throw those HomePods out. Siri constantly misunderstands things or fails to register commands, sometimes it's playing back in "all rooms" but the volume buttons don't light up and then the system is always confused which song is playing where.

Also, the iPhone sometimes shows the controls for the song that I started via voice command, and sometimes it doesn't. Maddening.

I'd rather sometimes rather have DUMB wireless speakers!
Never tried the infuriating Siri on the HomePods Max as the phone and pad compete to confuse if in the same room. The thing is that they’re almost as good as my large 1970’s speakers that have developed issues with the midrange cones, but they’re a fraction of the cost. I’m terrified the pods will die and there won’t be a comparable alternative. I’ll have yours if you’ve had enough.

Alpha Centauri

macrumors regular
Oct 13, 2020
I’m in a dual language household & really wish my HomePods (Siri) could communicate in two languages simultaneously like my Amazon Echo can.
Yes this! I'd be happy for my one Home Pod being in one language, ph in another.


macrumors member
Sep 13, 2016 California
I have three Minis and two AppleTVs and I dont seem to have any syncing issues. Is this more of an issue with the full size Homepods?
It might be because I have a mix of the two. But I suspect the fact that I have more than one wireless access point as more likely to be an issue.


macrumors member
Nov 19, 2015
Siri asks my wife "Who's speaking?" just about every day when she tries to play music, turn on/off lights, add something to the shopping list. This is one of my few high tech purchases over the last 28 years of marriage where she wants to throw it out the window! Who's speaking, Mmmm hmmm, no response to repeated questions, etc., etc., etc. These HomePods are spiraling out of control. What happened to my OG HomePods? Apple seems to have dumbed them down over the last 4 years. They used to respond to a whisper. Now, I have to yell at them most of the time. Did Apple turn down some setting on the network side to reduce backend processing, etc.? Something has changed. Does Apple expect users will trust their Apple Car if they can’t keep a HomePod running smoothly? Hey Siri, take me to work. ”Who’s speaking?” “One sec…” “this is taking a bit too long” “Mmm hmm?” And while I‘m on my rant, would it be too much to ask the HomePod team to inject a little “love“ into Siri when I tell her goodnight to turn on my ceiling fan, white noise, and turn off the lights? She replies “Goodnight” but it sounds more like a question.
Last edited: Today at 3:05 PM

Alpha Centauri

macrumors regular
Oct 13, 2020
@macmac30 know what you mean. Can't put a time on it but gradual decline was couple years ago. Used to hear me through the hallway, to other side of the apartment. Now in same room I've got to yell at it..and I do! "I'm working on it".."Still working on it". Sheesh.
Also frequently when tipping on it stutters a song in a loop which can only be stopped through unplugging it. It only had one job really and struggles with this. The first few years were awesome until it got tuned to a standstill.


macrumors demi-god
Jul 5, 2002 2,327
Yeah, Siri quality is increasingly embarrassing, especially when looking at the competition. Can’t argue away everything with data protection forever.

Every now and then I can / have to work with other assistants (LG, Amazon …). Each time the experience is so much better that I wonder whether I should switch ecosystems, at least related to home assistants.

If Siri does not noticeably improve in the foreseeable future (and with Thread/Matter progressing), it’s probably only a matter of time before I eventually cave in - last prime day I was really itching again … (disclaimer: my inner nerd also would prefer to wake the assistant with “Computer …!” ;-) )

Alpha Centauri

macrumors regular
Oct 13, 2020
{snip} disclaimer: my inner nerd also would prefer to wake the assistant with “Computer …!” ;-) )
That'd be cool. Voice activation keyword is just branding really. Was trying to remember on what device I could input a custom "wake" word of choice. Well, it was a top of line Garmin Nav from (drum roll)..12 yrs ago.
Reactions: Neodym


macrumors demi-god
Jul 5, 2002 2,327
That'd be cool. Voice activation keyword is just branding really. Was trying to remember on what device I could input a custom "wake" word of choice. Well, it was a top of line Garmin Nav from (drum roll)..12 yrs ago.
Amazon does not leave you free choice, but one of the available wake words is indeed “Computer” (for many years already). When it comes to Siri, every year there‘s a big press release about Siri now being available in a few more languages - and that’s it!

I also don’t understand why a personal wake word is not possible with modern voice assistants, when a friggin’ 12-year-old Garmin Nav already offered that function.


macrumors 68000
Sep 29, 2016 1,837 4,156
I agree with custom names for Siri being a good idea but for a different reason. My family has a lot of Apple devices so if a few of us are in the room together and someone says "Hey Siri" multiple devices owned by different people will answer at once. If we could each call Siri something else, it'd be great.

Alpha Centauri

macrumors regular
Oct 13, 2020
Amazon does not leave you free choice, but one of the available wake words is indeed “Computer” (for many years already). When it comes to Siri, every year there‘s a big press release about Siri now being available in a few more languages - and that’s it!

I also don’t understand why a personal wake word is not possible with modern voice assistants, when a friggin’ 12-year-old Garmin Nav already offered that function.
Off course they can, it's what I meant by branding, that it's locked by choice. Mercedes do it also in their cars. In fact it got triggered all the time so they had to add "hey Mercedes" (not just "Mercedes") to activate.

You know, it's become so obvious that my OG Home Pod is now this cognitively deficient, dim witted idiot in comparison to Siri on my phone. Recall there was a problem with activation using Australian English, but not on the ph. In the end Apple advised to change to US English to make things work. It used to work so much better is the point I'm trying to make.

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