Consume a Stripe service from SAP Open Connectors and SAP Cloud Integration to c...

 1 year ago
source link: https://blogs.sap.com/2022/07/20/consume-a-stripe-service-from-sap-open-connectors-and-sap-cloud-integration-to-create-payment-transactions/
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July 20, 2022 4 minute read

Consume a Stripe service from SAP Open Connectors and SAP Cloud Integration to create payment transactions


This blog post belongs to a Tutorial Blog Post series about where its simulating a sales transaction on buying a new refrigerator using a SAP AppGyver custom app, while consuming different SAP and 3rd party services.

In the previous blog post we set up the prerequisites to continue with the different sections of this scenario.

Tutorial Blog Post Series – Sections

They are divided into several blog posts to not make it so bigger in one alone.

  1. Build an integral SAP Integration Suite project and consume it from a SAP AppGyver custom app – Tutorial Blog Post Series Introduction [Link].
  2. Consume a Stripe service from SAP Open Connectors and SAP Cloud Integration to create payment transactions [Here you are in this blog post]
  3. Set up Write, Filter and Get tasks in SAP Cloud Integration to save, filter and get your needed message to execute other operations in your Integration Flow (soon to be published)
  4. Consume a SAP Sales and Service Core API to create Sales Orders using an OData receiver adapter in SAP Cloud Integration (soon to be published)
  5. Send application/x-www-form-urlencoded parameters to a HTTP receiver adapter in SAP Cloud Integration to send SMS messages consuming a Twilio API (soon to be published)
  6. Integrate SAP AppGyver with SAP Integration Suite, consuming an Integration Flow levering SAP API Management policies (soon to be published)

Let’s configure the Stripe service

Go to your Open Connectors portal and enable a Stripe Connector, place your pointer in the connector and click in Authenticate.

Bear in mind that this step by step guide is for demo purposes.


Look for you Stripe secret Key and copy it into the Stripe connector as the API Key.


Go back to your Open Connector portal and add a name and create the connector’s instance.


You can test it by clicking in “Test in the API Docs”. Run a quick test by getting the balances.


Now copy your Open Connectors credentials. We are going to use them to enable the credentials in Cloud Integration.


Copy the credentials on the clipboard.

Go to you Cloud Integration environment. In the eye icon (Monitor), in the Manage Security Material tile, create an User Credentials artifact.


Go to the pencil icon (Design) and create a new package:


Go to the Artifacts tab and create an Integration Flow, name it as you want:


Click on it to start designing the iFlow. Click on Edit and change the Sender name. Let’s put AppGyver as the application sending the call request to this iFlow.

In the connection tab, add a path to the “address” and uncheck the CSRF box, we are not going to enable it for this Integration flow (iFlow).


Before doing any data storage or message mapping, let’s configure the iFlow to test the call to stripe.

  • Change the Receiver name to “Stripe”
  • Add a Request Reply task in the iFlow, select Open Connectors as the adapter
  •  Selecting the Open Connector adapter, go to the connection tab, and add:
    • The API endpoint as the base URI (this one you get from testing the connector as illustrated above)
    • Select the credential you just created “stripeOpenConnectors”
    • In Resource, select the API path to create charges in Stripe, which is “charges”
    • Change the method to POST, as we are going to execute a POST call.
    • Leave JSON as the format.

Let’s test it. Save and Deploy the iFlow.

Now go to the eye icon and wait until the iFlow is deployed. Once it is, copy the API endpoint and change the log configuration to “trace” to trace the messages passing through the iFlow.


Go to Postman. Enter your SAP BTP trial account credentials with Basic Auth, modify this following JSON with your Stripe data and use it as the payload for testing with Postman:

    "amount": 21234,
    "customer": "<stripe customer id>",
    "currency": "<currency selected in your stripe account>",
    "source": "<card id>",
    "description": "My test from CPI & Postman"

Like this:


Go back to your Cloud Integration and click on “Monitor Message Processing” to monitor the request.


Then in the Logs, click on “Trace”.


Check how it worked from the CPI side.


Now you’ve successfully integrated a 3rd party connector leveraging SAP Open Connectors’ content, with SAP Cloud Integration, in this case to execute payment transactions with Stripe.

As a next step, we are going to add the request call to SAP Sales and Service Core (formerly SAP Cloud for Customer or C4C) to create a Sales Order. But first we need to set up the needed payload message for the Message Mapping before calling the SAP Sales and Service Core API. For this next part, check out the next blog post: Set up Write, Filter and Get tasks in SAP Cloud Integration to save, filter and get your needed message to execute other operations in your Integration Flow. (soon to be published)

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