Daily Journal - The smartest Notion page to track all your daily events | Produc...

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Daily Journal

The smartest Notion page to track all your daily events.

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Daily Journal is an all-in-one page that allows you to track every aspect of your life, from habits to finances. The compilation system is based on buttons, this method has been built to simplify much as possible your experience.
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Hey, community!

🎯 OBJECTIVE Let me introduce you to my new model. It's called "Daily Journal", basically it's an all-in-one page that allows you to track everything that happens in your daily life easily.

💻 WORK SYSTEM The main feature of this template is that it was built with a button system. This is a new type of compilation method I developed to simplify and speed up the compilation of the Daily Journal, transforming a sometimes dull activity into a fun daily routine that will take you a few seconds away.

Get with: ✔️ Habit Box Tracker ✔️ Tasks Scheduler ✔️ Goals Dashboard ✔️ Finance Tracker ✔️ Book Library

Extras: ✔️ Life Widget

Let me know in the comments below what you think about my project!

If you have more questions feel free to ask in the comments below, Would love to interact with you 🚀

This is beautiful, not only is it an essential tool in productivity and reflections, it is also aesthetically pleasing. I've been using a few of your products and they have helped significantly. Keep doing what you do Dave! 👍🏼
Thank you for your feedback and support Nicholas, it really means a lot 😊
Daves vision for Notion improvements is outstanding. Quality templates and thoughtful.
Huge thanks! Always trying to give my contribute as valuable as possible to this amazing community 😊
This is amazing, we will surely try it. Congratulations on the launch.🥂

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Joyk means Joy of geeK