Edtech Unicorn upGrad Acquires Bengaluru-Based Staffing Firm WOLVES India

 1 year ago
source link: https://nextbigwhat.com/edtech-unicorn-upgrad-acquires-bengaluru-based-staffing-firm-wolves-india/
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Edtech Unicorn upGrad Acquires Bengaluru-Based Staffing Firm WOLVES India

Edtech unicorn upGrad has agreed to acquire WOLVES India, a recruitment and staffing firm, for an undisclosed amount. Bengaluru-based WOLVES India specialises in placing tech talent across startups, along with mid and large-sized organisations, in India and overseas.

The startup also addresses hiring challenges across the aerospace segment through its proprietary product—Quasara—thus, helping global businesses to set up their offshore centres.

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