WhatsApp Reactions Now Support Pretty Much Any Emoji

 1 year ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/whatsapp-reactions-now-support-pretty-much-any-emoji-535743.shtml
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The feature is now rolling to devices out there

   WhatsApp message reactions

Reactions are the new cool feature in the messaging world, and most recently, the majority of applications out there have been updated to support them.

WhatsApp is one of the most recent big names that have received support for reactions, though the feature has been quite limited at first. WhatsApp, therefore, supported only a handful of reactions, but this all changes this week.

The company has announced a few days ago that it’s rolling all emoji reactions, which means you can react with pretty much any emoji that exists in the WhatsApp collection.

This is obviously big news for the evolution of reactions in WhatsApp, especially as the application has lacked this functionality for quite some time. The feature is already rolling out to iPhone and Android as we speak, so make sure you are running the latest version to get support for all emoji reactions.

Reactions in WhatsApp

The Facebook-owned company first announced reactions in WhatsApp in May this year, and at that point, the feature was limited to just six emoji.

“Reactions on WhatsApp are getting even better with a full emoji keyboard including skin tone selector. We’re excited to introduce more ways for users to express themselves while chatting with their family and friends,” the company said.

“We’re excited to share that emoji reactions are now available on the latest version of the app. Reactions are fun, fast, and they reduce overload in groups too. We’ll continue improving them by adding an even broader range of expressions in the future.”

Needless to say, with this update, WhatsApp is finally getting closer to rivals that have been supporting reactions for quite some time. Telegram is one of the best examples on this front, though the app has already advanced to the next level and is now supporting full-screen reactions that are a lot more engaging than the standard implementation.

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