Prime Day Sale 2022: AMD Radeon RX 6000 full list of GPU deals and discounts

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.neowin.net/news/prime-day-sale-2022-amd-radeon-rx-6000-full-list-of-gpu-deals-and-discounts/
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Prime Day Sale 2022: AMD Radeon RX 6000 full list of GPU deals and discounts

MSI graphics cards

On the occasion of Amazon Prime Day 2022, graphics cards continue their trend of selling at lower than MSRP prices. As such, in this article we have compiled the full list of AMD Radeon GPUs that the selling at the best prices currently.

Bear in mind that some of these discounted prices are higher than their MSRPs in cases for the RX 6800 and RX 6800 XT. That is because AMD actually set the MSRP for the the RX 6800 series too aggressively at the launch in order to out-compete Nvidia. However, these prices here are all very fair as per current market pricing.

We start off the list with the Radeon RX 6600 and move up the pecking order all the way up to the RX 6950 XT. Also note that not every deal listed here is a Prime Day deal.

Radeon RX 6600: Performance faster than RTX 3050 and close to RTX 3060

Radeon RX 6600 XT: Faster than RTX 3060

Radeon RX 6650 XT: Faster than RTX 3060 and close to RTX 3060 Ti

Radeon RX 6700 XT: Equal to the RTX 3060 Ti

Radeon RX 6800: Faster than RTX 3070 Ti but slower than RTX 3080 10GB

Radeon RX 6800 XT: Same performance as RTX 3080 12GB

Radeon RX 6900 XT: Same performance as RTX 3080 Ti

Radeon RX 6950 XT: Almost the same performance as RTX 3090

This deal ends tomorrow and is exclusive, with free delivery for Prime members. If you do not have an Amazon Prime account, you can get a 30 day free trial to take advantage of the Prime Day deals taking place between July 12 & 13. But keep in that the several of the deals here aren't Prime Day deals and hence may last a bit longer.

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