Analysis Services and Reporting Services extensions for Visual Studio 2022 are h...

 1 year ago
source link: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/visualstudio/analysis-services-and-reporting-services-extensions-for-visual-studio-2022-are-here/
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Analysis Services and Reporting Services extensions for Visual Studio 2022 are here!


Leslie Richardson

July 12th, 20225

We’re happy to announce the popular and long-awaited Analysis Services, RDLC Report Designer, and Reporting Services extensions are available for Visual Studio 2022!  Here’s how these Microsoft extensions for SQL Server can further enhance your business intelligence solution development environment.

SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS)

The Microsoft Analysis Services extension adds project templates and design tools to easily create tabular and multidimensional data models in SQL Server Analysis Services, Microsoft Azure Services, and Power BI.  These data model projects can also be integrated with source control repository providers such as Team Foundation Server.

Figure 1 - Analysis Services cube structure example
Figure 1 – Analysis Services cube structure example

Figure 2- Analysis Services Tabular TableView example
Figure 2- Analysis Services Tabular TableView example

SQL Server Reporting Services Projects (SSRS)

The Reporting Services Projects extension provides a report definition (*.rdl) designer, projects (*.rptproj), and wizards for creating professional reports for Microsoft Reporting Services.  The designer lets you modify, preview, and deploy report definitions and datasets within Visual Studio.

Figure 3 - Reporting Services dataset creation example
Figure 3 – Reporting Services dataset creation example

RDLC Report Designer

To display SQL Server Reporting Services reports in WebForms and WinForms applications, Report Definition Language Client-Side (RDLC) files are used by Visual Studio Report Viewer controls. The RDLC Report Designer extension allows you to present database displays in Visual Basic and .NET with the provided new projects definitions and adds tools to create and manage RDLC reports within Visual Studio.

Continued Extension Development

Work for the SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) extension in Visual Studio 2022 is on the roadmap for a future release.  For more information about the progress, you can check the Visual Studio Developer Community.  Please let us know in the comments of other important extensions you’d like to see in Visual Studio 2022!

Leslie Richardson Program Manager, Visual Studio Extensibility


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